
It’s surprising for one who traffics in words to find himself at a dead end.  But here we are, struggling to find the words to express our gratitude to you, our dear friends, for the outpouring of love that we have experienced over the past few days.  Stacy wants you to know that she is overwhelmed by your love.  Your words have not only sustained her but have allowed her to prevail in these days.  We love each one of you so much.

By the grace of God she is recovering well from surgery.  She is experiencing the sweet presence of Jesus and clearly the joy of the Lord is her strength (I caught her singing “Great is Thy Faithfulness” yesterday morning).  We had the first of many meetings with doctors and we have established a course of action that will include chemotherapy and radiation.  We hope to begin chemotherapy in a few weeks which will last for about six months with radiation to follow.  We’ll keep you posted.  Most of all we want to thank you for your prayers.  What a great God we serve.  Our Redeemer is faithful and true.   

We love you all.



about 16 years ago

My prayers are with you.


about 16 years ago

Hi Precious Warren Family, I have been on this site several times this week, struggling to find words. So far, nothing has been quite enough and it never really can be. So, here is my best effort... We love you. We treasure you. You are in our prayers. We are here when you need us. Stacy, you are one of the most gracious people I know. It is no wonder so many are attracted to your sweet spirit. You are easy to love before one even gets to know much about you. You are surrounded by people devoted to covering you in prayer all hours of the day and night. Jeff and Kids, we know this is an unexpected road. However, we also know your character enough to know that though this is a hard journey, you will be sustained. You will love Stacy and support her like no other. We are praying for your hearts to be encouraged as well. I can't imagine a better family to support Stacy. Please remember you have people here for you as well. We love you all. We are praying for you all. Thank you for allowing us to share this journey with you via the blog. Our love, The Easleys

valerie new

about 16 years ago

What wonderful news and I am so thankful that Stacy's recovery is progressing so well! Thank you for the update as it will help to pray more specifically. I wanted you to know that Charlie and I claimed Psalm 91 for Andy and now we are praying it for you, dear Stacy. As I used to insert Andy's name, I am now using yours! You are loved! In Him, Valerie

Tammy Jones

about 16 years ago

Stacy, Just from the very few times we have spoken, you radiate Christ and His Spirit and I am so thankful you are part of our church family. I know our heavenly Father will be glorified every step of the way. Thank you for being such a sweet spirit. Please know that you and your precious family are being prayed for by me and my husband (and our 3 year old, Brooks) every day. Praise be to God for what he has done and will do! -Tammy Jones

John Parker

about 16 years ago

Jeff & Stacy, We are so pleased to hear that you are doing well in your recovery from surgery. God is good and He is in control! We can attest to that fact, because today Ellie and Jack are celebrating their 2nd birthday. You all were there for us (Porters & Parkers) then, and we want to be here for you now. We love you and are praying for you all. May God continue to bring peace, comfort and healing. In the love of Christ, John

Chris & Leigh O'Malley

about 16 years ago

Hey Jeff, Running, riding, walking, whatever mode you are in...we are there beside you, your precious bride, and your beautiful children! Lifting you up when we think of you all...which is often. Thanks for your updates! Thanks, most, for your faithful commitment to following the Lord completely abandoned and transparent before your flock. Incidentally, Stacy, Gal. 2:20 is my life verse as well - I meditate on it regularly and live through it as He gives me grace!! May His mercy, grace, and peace be established as 'He lives in you - the life you are now living in the flesh by faith in the Son of God who LOVES you and gave Himself for you.' c Lovin' you across the miles, Chris & Leigh

Craig and Shannon Moody

about 16 years ago

Stacy, As I am sure you can imagine, we are praying for you and your family!! We tried to explain to Madelyn today what you are dealing with and she could not wait to say a prayer for you!! You have had such an impact in her young life! It is just awesome how God continues to use you in His Kingdom! We know His plan is perfect and there is a reason, although hard for all of us to understand, that you are on this particular journey now. Please know we are praying for healing and for God to be glorified! We love you!! The Moody Family

Michael & Marita Smith

about 16 years ago

Stacy, When I found out this evening to tell me, stunned was an understatement. With God's help, and the support of your family and strong church community, He will help you get through this one day at a time. Our prayers will be with you with each passing day. Faith in God and your love for Jeff and your children will help you through this like no other. Take care little cousin. Love you always. Michael Smith

Janice Ford

about 16 years ago

My cousin, Adrienne Wamble, was diagnosed with brain cancer in January 2008. Her blog site is: http://www.caringbridge.org/visit/adriennewamble She updates it daily. Stacy, you and Jeff will find it a source of daily inspiration. Each day, she includes heartfelt devotions. May God bless you both as you begin this new journey of faith.

Frann Davis

about 16 years ago

Jeff and Stacy, Jack and I want you to know you are in our prayers. God is faithful, and we are confident that He will protect and sustain your precious family through this difficult journey. You have a special place in our hearts even though we have not kept touch since your time with us at PCBC. WE LOVE YOU! Frann and Jack Davis

Shari Nederhoff

about 16 years ago

Hi Stacy - Prise God that you are feeling well today. I pray that you will find peace in your treatment options and in your physicians wisdom. May our Great Physician place His healing hands on you today~and always! Lately, I find myself going through my days looking through the eyes of "Stacy" - thinking of you and filtering things I see, hear and read on how you must be feeling. I think of you SO often but pray for you even more than that. As I was driving in the car this morning - I heard this song from 33 miles and I thought of you..........I thought Jesus could be singing this to you and it brought tears and chills to me. I just had to share it with you. I've been there a thousand times I've felt the rain like a thousand knives And it hurts I know it hurts I've been there like a fighter plane Tryin' fly my way through a hurricane And it's hard I know it's hard Don't be afraid You'll make it through Just call out to me and I'll come running to you Hold on, hold on When the current pulls you under And your heart beats like thunder Just give me your hand And hold on, hold on Until the storm is over And I'll be fighting for you Just give me your hand and Hold on I'll give you hope, I'll give you faith And if it's dark, I'll light the way For you, for you By your side, until the end Until you're standing tall again I'm here, I'll always be here And if the tide, sweeps you out to sea When your strength is gone, and it's hard to believe Hold on, hold on When the current pulls you under And your heart beats like thunder Just give me your hand And hold on, hold on Until the storm is over And I'll be fighting for you Just give me your hand And Hold on, hold on Hold On, My Sweet Sister in Christ. I Love You! Shari

Jack Haye

about 16 years ago

Jeff and Stacy - You mentioned the hymn "Great Is Thy Faithfulness" and it brought back a flood of memories from four years ago when we experienced a particulary difficult season in our family. Another hymn that came to have special meaning to me during that time was "Be Still, My Soul". "Be still my soul! thy God doth undertake to guide the future as He has the past. Thy hope, thy confidence let nothing shake; All now mystermious shall be bright at last. Be still my soul! the waves and wind still know His voice who ruled them while He dwelt below" He is the God of Hope, in all our seasons! We love you guys. Jack, Carol and the Kids

Faith & Kyle Crist

about 16 years ago

We were so sorry to hear of your news. Your family has truely blessed our lives! You are in our prayers and if there is anything you need, please let me know!

Perry and Kim

about 16 years ago

Dear Jeff and Stacy, What an inspiration and testimony to watch you lift God up and praise Him during the difficult times, saying "great is Thy faithfulness" and "I have been crucified in Christ; I no longer live, but Christ lives in me". Thank you for your example of God's provision of strength and comfort. Also, He has daily placed you on our hearts where we will "lay our requests before Him and wait in expectation". With love, Kim and Perry

David and Gretchen Dawson

about 16 years ago

Jeff and Stacy, We cannot imagine what you are going through, but we know that God is good, He is just, and He is always with us. There will be ups and downs as you walk through this "Unexpected Journey", but it is encouraging to know that God will be with you all along the way. We are praying constantly for healing and that God will shower you and your family with His blessings during Stacy's recovery. Thank you so much for your commitment to serving our Lord and our church. Please know that you can call on us for anything at anytime. We love you. David, Gretchen, Sarah, and Andrew Dawson

Linda Pruett

about 16 years ago

Dear Stacy, I was reading one of my devotional books the other day and an IMB missionary shared how Psalm 50:15 had been such an encouragement to her as she coped with the loss of her husband and two of her children in a drowning accident. I pray that it will also provide you with that peace and comfort that only God can give. The Lord tells us to call upon Him in our day of trouble and He will deliver us. Our response is to honor Him with our lives. I know you are honoring Him through your life. May He bless you and your sweet family with everything you need in these days of uncertainty. I know what you are experiencing and am praying for God's miraculous healing and His perfect peace to surround you. In Him, Linda Pruett


about 16 years ago

I pray for complete healing to Stacy, strength and courage to the family, and a continued surroundance of love to you. May God use you and your family to bring others to Christ. Everything happens for a reason. It is just hard to overcome that fact and realization. I know that struggle like I know my own name. I admire and commend Stacy for her steady strength and faith in the Lord. You and your family are a testimony because of that and the way you live. I am proud to have you as my pastor. You are true to your word, to your family, to yourself, and most importantly to God. That is very admirable. My prayers remain with you and my heart feels for your family. Know that your church family is rooting for you and loves you. James 5:15- "And the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well; the Lord will raise him up..."

Veronica White

about 16 years ago

Dear Stacy, I was devastated to hear of the trial you and your family are going through; please know my thoughts and prayers are with you constantly and God has proven Himself faithful ever since He created the world. Our family visited FBC McKinney eight years ago. The Lord Jesus saved my soul while I was reading Isaiah 53 right after my college days. For the next 25 years I belonged to very small, traditional churches. The fear of visiting a "large, modern, Baptist church" was overwhelming, but my husband and I did it so our only daughter would have a home church and make friends...it's amazing what we do for our children...the first day we visited I was blessed to meet you...not knowing who you were, I was immediately made comfortable and thought to myself, Jesus is in her...if Jesus is in her, He is in this church, too! On many other occasions when we visited, God sovereignly put me in your path, and your love for Him radiated as you greeted me and gave me great comfort in a new place. We eventually joined the church and pitched in...my husband, Keith was impressed with Jeff and his doctrinal messages...me, I felt a connection with you...not only because you are a woman of valor, but because I see Jesus in you. He is the potter; thank you for being the clay! Love in Jesus, Veronica

Kim and Jeff Heaton

about 16 years ago

Stacy, As Emily and I were praying for you tonight and I was trying to explain on a 4 year old level a little of what you're going to be experiencing during this time, she prayed that you wouldn't cry (during your chemo treatments) and then she said,"It makes me sad that she might hurt. I might cry sometimes." With a sincere heart, my 4 year old teared up as she prayed for you. As Emily loves you, our whole family loves you. You are a special part of our lives, and we continue to pray for your healing--and Emily prays that it's, "fast, fast!" We love you guys! Kim

Jason and Tracy Habern and kiddos

about 16 years ago

Your faith is enough. It is evident by the way you live your life that your faith is enough. You are an inspiration to the doctors, the nurses and your family. Our prayers are with you in this time and I am so fortunate to know you. Jeff, you are a blessing to Stacy and your strength is her strength. We are anxious to see the blessings God is bringing your way through this journey. We love you and we are here through it all. In Him, The Haberns

Mistey & Tom Moore

about 16 years ago

Stacy and Jeff , Thank you for allowing us to pray with you . I know that God is with you all thru this walk. You bless each one of us daily by you great faith and devotion to our Lord as welll as each other . Love Tom, Mistey ,And Taylor

Martin Knox

about 16 years ago

Jeff & Stacy, It is good to hear a positive update in the midst of these difficult days for you and your kids. It brings joy to us to know that God is meeting your needs just as He has promised to do so. Valorie and I are praying for you and we will continue to do so. We know you have prayed for us in a time of deep sorrow and it is our joy to go to our Father on your behalf during this crisis in your lives. Love, Martin & Valorie

Darrell Heinrichs

about 16 years ago

Stacy, It was so wonderful to see you at church yesterday! Breast cancer brought us to FBC McKinney. When we saw the love that was expressed to Susan Armstrong (Laura's sister) in the hospital we drove home thinking that we absolutely have to move "home" to whatever kind of church that was that flowed with limitless love to one of its own. Now we have the chance to show you that love in return. I don't know yet what form that will take. Obviously prayer - that goes without saying. You are in my, Laura's, and Hunter's prayers each day. But I am a very tactical guy and am looking for a tactical way to express our love to you and Jeff and your family. For now please know that hardly an hour goes by that I don't say a quick prayer for you. If all you need is a gallon of milk from the store, I can have it there in 5 minutes. We love you beyond words. Darrell, Laura, and Hunter Heinrichs

Cindy & Kevin Moseley

about 16 years ago

Stacy & Jeff, As school started back today for the upcoming year, I was reminded of the uncompromising faith of a child that sat so eager with shining eyes, watching me ... trusting that I, as their teacher, would know just what to do to get them through the year. That I would know exactly what I was doing, why I was doing it and that I would lead them down the correct path to get them to the ultimate goal of where they belong. Why can't we have faith like that? Simple faith that steals our breath when we just trust like a child ... "Jesus loves me! this I know, For the Bible tells me so. Little ones to Him belong; they are weak but He is strong. Yes, Jesus loves me! Yes, Jesus loves me! Yes, Jesus loves me! The Bible tells me so. Jesus loves me! loves me still, 'tho I'm very weak and ill, that I might from sin be free, bled and died upon the tree. Yes, Jesus loves me! Yes, Jesus loves me! Yes, Jesus loves me! The Bible tells me so. Jesus loves me! He who died heaven's gate to open wide; He will wash away my sin, let His little child come in. Yes, Jesus loves me! Yes, Jesus loves me! Yes, Jesus loves me! The Bible tells me so. Jesus loves me! He will stay close beside me all the way. Thou hast bled and died for me, I will henceforth live for Thee. Yes, Jesus loves me! Yes, Jesus loves me! Yes, Jesus loves me! The Bible tells me so." Follow the path of the child ... Trust the way God intended for us to do so. Everything else will work its way out. We love you and are praying for you every moment of every day!

Ron & Nora LaPrade

about 16 years ago

Stacy, Nora and I are keeping you and your family in our prayers. It has been such a joy to serve our Lord and Savior along with you and Jeff. We are looking forward to many more years ahead. Ron & Nora

Ron Vice

about 16 years ago

Stacy and Jeff, Just a note to let you know that our small group (of three years with current members) devoted our Sunday night meeting to discussion and prayer concerning God's working through Stacy and the Warren family. We didn't come up with all the answers we would like to have had, but, praise God, the Holy Spirit provided all we needed. We know too that God will provide for you throughout this journey, and He will be glorified through this experience. Our prayers, individually and collective, seem insufficient, but please know we are here, praying hard and continuously. It may be all we can do for now, but know that we stand willing and anxious to assist in ANY way we can. Warmest regards and love. The Kellys, Davis', Vices, Bramletts, and Rienderhoffs.

Matt & Beth Parli

about 16 years ago

6:50pm, just letting you know we are thinking of you and praying for you right now. Love Matt & Beth Parli

Kim Robinson

about 16 years ago

Stacy, I've been lifting you up in prayer every morning and evening!! We love you, Jeff and the kids! Michael enjoyed running with Travis for cross country, he is a natural. Also I have dinner for you all and will bring it to you on Thursday. In Christ, Kim

Greg, Gwen and Kids

about 16 years ago

Jeff, Stacy, and Wonderful Warren Family, Like many "lurkers" on this blog, we have trouble finding the words to say how much you all mean to us and how much we long for God to lay His healing hand on Stacy. But even in the lack of words, all our spirits groan in unison on your behalf. We have faith in our Great God and His Son Jesus that divine healing will come to your home. As I was admiring the banner at the top of this post, I couldn't help but think that life is beautiful even on the uphill treks out of the valley. Looking past the pain of the climb allows us to see God's handiwork all around us. Until God's healing comes (and we are confident that it will), we are praying that His grace and majesty will be enough for, no - infinitely greater than your challenge. We love you.

Janice Paschal

about 16 years ago

Dear precious Warren family, Don and I have been praying together and separately as we think about your family many times throughout the day. Stacy, it is my desire that you be well instantly, but I know that God's timing is not always our timing. I am reminded that we must be still and know that He is God and that He is sufficient to meet all our needs. I thank God that He is still in the healing business today, and I truly believe that you are being healed. As much as we love your family, I am reminded that God loves you so much more. He wants the best for you, and I believe He is saddened that you are going through this journey right now. We are sad too. Please know that we will continue to faithfully pray for you all. If you ever want to get away for a little while and come to the lake for a boat ride, all you have to do is tell us. I frequently think of the fun we had with your family at the lake when your children were much younger. There is something so calming, relaxing and soothing about being out on the water surrounded by all of God's beauty. We love you all so much. Let us know what we can do for you. Janice Paschal

The Eastland's

about 16 years ago

Read your posting this morning. We want you to know that you have been in our prayers ever since Jeff announced in church what you were facing, but I haven't written any thing because I wanted to be able to offer some profound message of encouragement. However, I realized that you had more words of encouragment for me in your entry than anything I could ever say to you. I believe that God will use you in ways that you will never even know. We will continue to pray for complete healing from the Great Physician. God bless you! Our love, Dennis, Karon and Kristen Eastland

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