My Turn- (Stacy)

I’ve never considered myself a public speaker or a writer (and I empathize with those of you who really don’t do the “blog thing”), so please bear with me as I take my turn and attempt to express my heartfelt thanks to you for your prayers and loving encouragement to me and our family. I am so humbled by your prayers on my behalf and be assured they are being answered in miraculous ways. Your uplifting notes not only here on our Live Forgiven website, but also the many, many expressions of love through cards, gifts, and caring deeds have strengthened me daily.


As our family enjoyed one of our favorite places in Colorado this past July, Jeff and I knew that there was the possibility of a very challenging event in our future.  We determined to make the most of our family’s time at Wind River Ranch and our hike to the top of Estes Cone (elev. 11,006 feet) was the highlight of my week.  Little did I know that exactly one week later, I would receive a diagnosis of cancer and be faced with a mountain-climbing challenge of another kind.


A friend recently told me that fighting cancer is like climbing a mountain.  You don’t look at how far you have to climb to reach the top, you just look at where to place your foot for the next step. 

Just as our family encouraged one another and our hiking friends to the top of Estes Cone, so our family of faith from around the world is encouraging us to make it to the summit of this battle with cancer, and what a glorious view awaits!


Along the way, I am learning to take one day at a time and to continuously die to myself in order to be fully available for Christ to live in and through me (Gal. 2:20).  I’m excited about the fact that He is changing me for the better and for His purposes.  I’ve only really had a few big trials in my life, so in a strange way, I welcome MY TURN once again to show my Lord that He is all I need.


One last thought:  July 31, 2008 was a bittersweet day.  I find it interesting that on the very day I got my diagnosis, Jeff and I received the first copy of his book Live Forgiven. I believe God will bring many to the Savior through His message of grace presented in the book.  In all things, may He receive glory and honor for He alone is worthy!


My love to each of you,



 “Dear friends, do not be surprised at the painful trial you are suffering, as though something strange were happening to you. But rejoice that you participate in the sufferings of Christ, so that you may be overjoyed when His glory is revealed.” 1 Peter 4:12-13  NIV










Lynda Dodd

about 16 years ago

Ms. Stacy - A lot of us really don't understand total surrender to the Lord. When He ask us to give ourselves to Him in heart, mind, body and soul, He means just that. He wants it all. Your surrender to the Lord is so amazing to me. I was able to catch a glimpse of you on this past Sunday and was just overjoyed in your strength and determination to win this fight. This battle belongs to the Lord, but the fight is in you. May God continue to bless you in ways beyond what we can only imagine. You are an uplifter to me and I am glad just to know you. I cannot wait to see what the Lord has set up for the end of this journey. My prayers are with you. Lynda


about 16 years ago

You are loved. You are cherished. You are amazing. You are not alone. You are strong. You will over come. You are being lifted up. You are being prayed for today, tommow, before, during and after this battle is won. You will be given endurance for your race. You will be given peace in the midst of the storm. You will be given a testimony to share of God's glory. I praise God for you. I praise God for your family. I praise God for His goodness and mercy through the good, the bad and the ugly parts of life. You are loved. You are cherished. I am praying! barbara

Loretta Adler

about 16 years ago

Stacy: I was reading your blog today. I think about you a lot! We know that there will, most probably, come a time in each life when in one way or the other, ourselves or our loved ones we will have to cross this bridge too. I pray that when that time comes that our glorious Lord and Savior will give us His divine peace. I pray for you daily. We love you guys very much. Loretta and Bill Adler

Kim Robinson

about 16 years ago

Stacy, I love the verse you posted, 1 Pet 4:12-13! In a strange way, I can relate to your journey. When I had my back surgery, I knew it would be a long year recovery and was apprehensive about "all I would miss" but through that year the Lord brought the most incredible peace to me, something I can't say I experienced as deep before. At one point, a friend asked me if I missed being in the swing of things and the truth was no. I felt such peace, a peace I couldn't explain but loved! During that time, I felt a very small piece of His Glory was revealed and it was delightful! I know you will experience these moments so soak them up and continue to rejoice in Him! Your sister in Christ, Kim

Kim and Jeff Heaton

about 16 years ago

Stacy, Thanks for 'checking in' on here. We will continue to pray with you every step of the way, and we will help in any way that you might need. It's such a blessing to listen in as you praise Him through this storm. Thank you for being such an amazing example to us all. Love you, Kim


about 16 years ago

Stacy, I am not a blogger either but thought I would try sending some words of encouragement to you. I have not faced cancer myself but have worked in hospice for years and have a chronic illness that has challenged me daily. Each day I struggle to get up to go to work not knowing how my condition will react today, will it be a good day or bad. After I pray each morning to God thanking him for everything even my disease, I realize He is always with me and loves me which makes my condition easier to accept and that it is apart of me. I always go to work smiling knowing He is with me and has His arms around me when I struggle with my condition. Most of my co workers are aware of my disease and know I am very independant and do not want pity. One employee told me I teach/preach the word of God each day but I do not realize I do. God is looking after His children even during hard times. I pray for you and your family each morning and know God will use you to inspire others with cancer. God Bless and Smile because God loves you.

The White's

about 16 years ago

Stacy, Trish can sympathize with you on this whole blog thing, and she can relate to your lack of desire to be out and in front in just about any setting. That stuff is for her husband... :) We love your husband. Many of those qualities that we love about him are a credit to you as his wife. For that, we love you just as much... even as you serve him from the passenger's seat. Thank you for supporting, encouraging, protecting, and loving him. But now is the time for him to support you in a similar way. I imagine he is doing a bang up job! The White Family is praying for you and the kiddos. We love you Stacy... The White's

Pam Stull

about 16 years ago

Stacy, We are praying for you each day as the Lord brings you to our minds and hearts. We have just returned from Colorado and have been reminded how protective the mountains are and how different each can be. We have a dear friend that has just completed a year of treatment and is doing so well. I know you are surrounded by friends that love you and your family and will be there for you during this time. We are never without hope! Psalm 72:3 tells us "The mountains shall bring peace to the people" and I pray for a peace that you will not be able to express. I look forward to seeing you in a few weeks as we will be coming to McKinney. All our love and prayers to you, Clarence and Pam Stull

Cindy & Kevin Moseley

about 16 years ago

Stacy, I check in here often for many reasons. One of which I have looked forward to ... seeing your response and seeing that your sweet spirit that binds you to our Lord continues to grow and mature with this experience and two ... seeing the support of Christian friends and family that huddle so protectively around those that share the love of Christ! We all have this inherent fear of the unknown ... not knowing what is coming next or where its leading but isn't it wonderful to know that God has provided that answer for us with eternity! But yet as the doubting creatures we tend to be, we still want details about what is coming next. That is the beauty of our faith and trust in Him completely. And it makes my heart soar to see that you have given that doubt and fear completely over to Him! I've only seen this kind of faith up-close-and-personal one other time and it was in a situation almost mirror to this one. It's a faith and belief that is beautiful and undescribable. Hold on to Him ... trust as a child ... HIS child. It's all you need. Our love and prayers always, the Moseleys

Lynn Tanner

about 16 years ago

Dear Stacy, It was so good to hear from you!! And I loved the picture with beautiful CO in the background. I have never been to Estes Cone and when I first saw the picture I thought it was on top of Pikes Peak 14,110 ft. How awesome that you hiked to the top. You were in God's country, so I know the view was breath taking. I loved the analogy you used with handling your cancer one step at a time just like your hike to the top of Estes Cone. Just as on your hike, God is with you every step of the way and when you reach the end of your journey you will experience the very best of what He has planned for you. Thank you so much for all of your encouragement to each one of us through your actions and words. God is really using you in an extraordinary way. You will never know all of the lives you have touched through your experience and positive attitude. Thank you, and keep on "blogging". Love, Lynn

Joanna Tuttle

about 16 years ago

Dear Stacy, Don't know if you will remember me or my family, but we are members of PCBC, and our daughter Melissa was in the youth program when Jeff was the youth minister. I also worked at White Rock Elementary and remember your precious little girls. Two years ago I was diagnosied with a blood cancer Multiple Myleoma, but praise God after 3 rounds of drug therapy and a stem cell transplant the cancer is in remission, and I feel better than I have felt in years. I can not begin to tell you how much prayer got me thru many days in the hospital and going to UTSouthwestern for treatment. God is so good and is there to give us peace. When people hear the big C word it is overwhelming but when you turn it over to the Great Physician your cancer becomes easier to deal with. We were given this life to live no matter what comes our way and God is always there to supply our every need. Keep a sense of humor and keep your radio tuned to ktly or invest in lots of good Christian uplifting CD's. My prayer for you is a complete healing. With God all things are possible. Joanna Tuttle

Mary Knox

about 16 years ago

Stacy, you are such an inspiration. We love you!!!! Mary

Paula Odell

about 16 years ago

Dearest Stacy! Know I am praying for you daily. I am very pleased to hear how God is working with you and through you. I know His hand is on you and He will guide you through this journey. Just keep taking one step at a time and know we are walking with you through our prayers. We love you! Paula, Jim and Cameron

Liz Even

about 16 years ago

Our Warren Family, First, Stacy, what an amazing wife, mother and friend, and mentor you are! I am sitting in South Africa and over the past 6 weeks the Lord has taught me that miles don't count when it comes to His Love and His prayers. You are being prayed for all over the continent of Africa. Right now David and Andrew are on mission in Zimbabwe and praying for you daily telling your story; using it for His glory and His purpose. Jeff, you are so supportive and such a loving husband. I know with your encouragement each day and with the Lord's strength you both will make it. Whit and Em- You are the cutest of cute. I and know this has thrown you for the biggest loop. I am here for you through skype or email anytime. That is one thing I miss is having "my girls". Believe me the Lord is big enough and has walked this road alreadyl. Col 1:19 says He is Before ALL thing and IN HIM ALL things hold together. This is my verse. Knowing these days that he has been where I am at and that is my strength. He is my Rock. Travis, stick close to Dad. He has is figured out. Mom's just need to be loved and accepted for whoever they can be that day. The road ahead is long but we are praying daily for you and lots of people all over Africa and its stinkin huge are praying too. We love you and wish so often in the last 7 weeks that we could have been home. Give each other a hug from me. We love you!

Mike and Barbara Shippy

about 16 years ago

Stacy, Life is a journey and many times the road leads to places that we would never venture on our own. Amazingly, God allows us to go to these “places” to show His magnificent glory, not only to us, but also to those around us. He is such a loving Father! He chooses special people for special journeys. These are journeys that each of us must take before we can live in “higher places.” We have been writing a book to share God’s miraculous grace and mercy that He provided us during all our unbelievable journeys. As you may or may not know…we have experienced, first hand, 3 encounters with what you now face. These are not easy times but we can assure you that God has you in the palm of His hand and is carrying you and your sweet family today and will continue in the days ahead. God is our/your strength. One of our favorite verses that we held and continue to hold close is Habakkuk 3:19: The Lord God is my strength, and he will make my feet like Hind's Feet, and he will make me to walk upon mine High Places. Stacy - God has planned a great purpose for you! In Him also we have obtained an inheritance, being predestined according to the purpose of Him who works all things according to the counsel of His will. -Eph 1:11 He loves you so much! We started to pray daily for you a few weeks before Pastor Jeff announced your news. We are continuing in prayer, asking the Lord to heal you and during this process, for Him to be glorified in all that is accomplished. Know we love you and your family and are here for you anytime…day or night. Love in Jesus Christ Mike and Barbara Shippy...and Kathryn Ruhly

Connie & Mike Abernathy

about 16 years ago

Stacy, Continuing to think of you so often and lifting up prayers with each thought. Your note was beautifully written and such an expression of your devotion to and reliance on our Lord. As someone else already said, your children are learning so much about how to respond to "life" as a true believer from your example. May God bless you today in ways that draw you ever closer to Him. Love you, Connie

Gwen Webb

about 16 years ago

Stacy, You have been on my heart and in my prayers. So, I wanted to drop you a note to encourage you. As I’ve prayed for you, the first thing that came to mind was, of course, healing. But, also, that the multi-faceted God we serve is more than a healer and He wants us to experience Him in numerous ways in and through our struggles. I know you already know all of this but sometimes in the midst of the struggles of life I forget. So, just as a reminder or reaffirmation , my prayers for you have been that you get to experience God in a multitude of ways. In Psalms 139, God reminded me that His Spirit knows the inmost parts of our being: May He invade every nook and cranny of your heart, finding every fear and showing you the perfect love to cast it out, finding every hurt and placing His healing hand upon it, and, finding every pain and giving you divine comfort and peace.May He deliver you, strengthen you when you are weak, be your friend through the hands and feet of those around you, be your hiding place when you need privacy to seek Him and process what’s going on in and around you, give you rest when your body is exhausted, give you peace when your world and emotions are in turmoil, fill you with His living water when you need the sustenance only He can give, be your shield when the doubts, fears, and lies of the enemy attack, and give you hope from the One who holds the power of the resurrection in His hands. 1. Deliverer: 2 Samuel 22:17-20; Ps. 22:4-5; Ps. 34:1-7; 15-19; Ps. 91:9-16; Isaiah 46:3-4; 1 Cor. 1:8-10 2. Strength: Exodus 15:2; Neh. 8:10; Ps. 28:6-9; Ps. 46:1-4; Ps. 74:23-26; Isaiah:40:29-31; Col. 1:9-13 3. Friend: Exodus 33:11; Proverbs 18:24; Isaiah 41:8-10; John 15:9-17; Matt. 25:34-40 4. Hiding Place: Ps. 27:5; Ps. 32:7; Ps. 17:8; Ps. 143:9 5. Rest: Ps. 62:1-2; Ps. 91:1-2; Matt. 11:28-30 6. Peace: Isaiah 9:6-7; Isaiah 26:3-4; John 14:25:27; Phil. 4:4-7 7. Living Water: Ps. 1:3;Ps. 23; Isaiah 44:3-5; John 4:7-10; Rev. 7:17 8. Shield: 2 Samuel 22:1-4; 31-37; Ps. 3:3-5; Ps. 5:11-12; Ps. 84:10-12; Ps. 115:9-18 9. Hope: Jeremiah 29:10-14; Lamentations 3:21-25; Romans 15:4;13; Hebrews 6:17-20; 1 Peter 1:3-9 In Christ, Gwen

The Vice Family

about 16 years ago

"When the angel of the Lord appeared to Gideon, he said, "The Lord is with you mighty warrior." God tells us again and again that He will be with us in battle. And your sweet family has many (prayer!) warriors with you! How we love you all, Ron, Debbie and Deena Vice

Teena Broadhead

about 16 years ago

Stacy, Your strength and faith are a testimony to how great God is. I know that he is "working in you what is well pleasing in His sight through Jesus Christ to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen. Heb 13:21 Praying for you and your family daily.

Dr. Bruce and Susan Douthit, Lindsey, Andrew &Taylor

about 16 years ago

In thinking about you and praying for you this week, I recalled a conversation we had shortly after you all arrived in McKinney. While heading down to Dallas one day, you shared with me your "ordinary" life story and how you did not have a neccessarily facinating testimony. Like so many of us who were raised by Godly parents, accepting Christ early in life and living a life of blessings as a wife and mother, you indicated that you fully yielded to Jeff's ministry as your ministry through him as his faithful supporter and wife..I thought that was such a powerful statement because without your love and support, Jeff would be truly challenged to fully give himself to God's strong, be patient, be well..for I think God is simply expanding your testimony......Susan

Shari Nederhoff

about 16 years ago

Stacy - praying for you today. May God's peace fill you up to the rim. Hum...need some coffee? Love ya, my friend! Shari Jeremiah 29:11-13


about 16 years ago

Stacy, This is my first time to write a blog. I've been praying nearly everyday for both of you since Jeff told us all (church) what happen to you. I forget the specific website where Jeff said to write to you, but hopefully this is the right one. Hopefully, your current treatment isn't making you sick. I know the Lord will see you through it. I know He has been faithful to you and Jeff over the past years and will continue to be faithful. The Lord allows a lot of different things/obstacles to come into our lives for one reason or another; we may or may not know why. But I believe that He uses those things/obstacles to make us stronger, to depend/rely on Him more than we have in the past. He can turn a tragedy into something beautiful if we let Him. We need to wait and be patient upon His timing. The Lord has been speaking to my heart about things. May the Lord give you a quick healing, comfort, and peace during this time of your life. In Him, Luther

Chris & Leigh O'Malley

about 16 years ago

Hi Stacy, Thanks for inviting us into your life, your struggle, your hope! We will continue to walk with you, even though from a long distance - our love, thoughts, and prayers are not measured in miles but in heartbeats. We took a few moments at my first Elders meeting in Massachusetts to pray for you this evening! Looking and listening with GREAT anticipation in respect to the magnificent testimony that will come from this temporarily imposing and difficult trial. We love you and your family so very much. Chris & Leigh

Lynn Tanner

about 16 years ago

Dear Stacy, I have been remembering you and your family in my prayers daily. I have intended to sit down and write a note to you many times, but failed to do so, but here I am now thinking of something to say that would bring you encouragement in the weeks ahead as you face yet another path in your journey. This verse was in my devotions today. 2 Cor. 4:16 - Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. I can't even imagine all of the changes you will be going through over the next few weeks and months, but I do know that whatever your outward changes may be, you will be strengthened and renewed daily from the inside out. What an awesome God we have. May you feel His peace and strength every step of the way in your journey. Remember, it doesn't matter what we look like on the outside, God is looking at our heart. And I know you have a heart of gold and He will be with you every minute of the day. Keep smiling. Love, Lynn

Lynn Tanner

about 16 years ago

Dear Stacy, I am still thinking of you and praying for you all of the time. I enjoyed seeing you briefly on Sunday. You are such a beautiful lady and the joy of the Lord radiates from your smiling face. I'm reading through Isaiah right now in my devotions and this verse spoke to me and I thought of you and wanted to share it with you. Isaiah 49:13 - Shout for joy, O heavens, rejoice, O earth; burst into song, O mountains! For the Lord comforts his people and will have compassion on His afflicted ones. I can just imagine all of those beautiful Colorado mountains bursting into song and knowing that the Lord is your comfort and has compassion for you during this part of your journey. And the heavens are shouting for joy! We have an awesome God!! Isaiah 51:12 - I, even I, am He who comforts you. Who are you that you fear mortal men, the sons of men, who are but grass. Know that I will always be thinking of you and your family and praying for all of you. Have a very blessed and wonderful day, weeks, and months to come. Love and prayers, Lynn

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