Book Signing!

I’d love to see you at the Cup Filler on the Square in downtown McKinney tomorrow (Saturday the 6th) from 10:30 a.m. until 12:30 p.m.  Stacy and I will both be there (and maybe a couple of my kids if we can talk them into going) to say “hi” and have fun talking to our many friends.  I’d be honored to sign a book or two for you (and especially for those to whom you plan to give a book).  It will be a great day- beautiful weather, great options for lunch, and tons of smiles to go around!  Hope to see you there.


valerie new

about 16 years ago

Jeff, congratulations on this wonderful achievement. I am not sure if Charlie and I will be able to make the book signing, but wanted to give you our kudos!! In Him, Valerie

John & Rachel

about 16 years ago

Just thinking about you guys as you march through this time in your life. "Onward Christian Soldiers" comes to mind. We have been sitting with Justin's Allie for a week while he and Sherrie have been vacationing in celebration of the end of law school. As we all know, life has its highs and lows and we celebrate this time of His Joy in your lives at this time. Praying for you guys ... with all our Love ... John & Rachel

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