What’s Next is Now

Every decision you make sets the course for the future.  The choices you make today are tied to every other decision you’ll ever make.  In a very real sense, the future is being played out today.  What’s next is now.  Jesus taught that if we want to live for Him it happens as we chose to follow Him every single day.

Then He said to them all: “If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me.” Luke 9:23

Perhaps you’ve heard the story- in some form, of the Chicken who suggests to his friend the pig that they help provide breakfast for a friend- the Pig notes that, for the Chicken- only a contribution is required a chicken can simply lay an egg and then resume normal activities), while for the Pig a “total commitment”- a total sacrifice is needed (in order to make ham or bacon, the pig must be slaughtered).

Too many of us want to be the like the Chicken and we’ve decided that we will give our lives to Christ and follow Him; but on our terms, not His.  C.S. Lewis stated, “Christianity, if false, is of no importance, and if true, of infinite importance. The only thing it cannot be, is moderately important.”

I know so many people who are almost committed to God.  A lot of people are almost sold out to Him, but not really.  Some people live their lives and then die, almost fully devoted to Him.  When Jesus says, “Follow me”, He is not asking for a moderate commitment.  Today is the day.  What are you holding back?  What’s next is now.

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