An Unexpected Journey

Many of you now know that my precious Stacy has been diagnosed with cancer. Following a routine mammogram we discovered that she would have to undergo surgery. Believing that this would be a simple “bump in the road” we moved ahead with surgery on Tuesday. During surgery the doctor informed me that he had found that the cancer was not as contained as originally thought. Chemotherapy would be the next course of action.The past month has been a difficult, heart-breaking, and yet hopeful journey for our family. We have all embraced this unexpected journey as an opportunity for God to show Himself great. We have incredible children who love God with all their hearts and they have been amazing. I’ve often said, “Stacy is the purest person I know” and she has a heart to serve Jesus with her life. On Tuesday night, as she was brought into her hospital room following surgery, through tears she quoted her life verse:

“I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me.” Galatians 2:20

Stacy has totally surrendered this situation to the Lord for His purposes and glory. Knowing that we serve a loving and sovereign God who is control of all things, our entire family is committed to a desire for Jesus to be known and seen through our lives. I will honor my wife and at the same time inform you along the way. What we need more than anything else is, of course, your prayers. I would love for you to encourage Stacy. You can leave a comment here and in time she’ll read every single one. We love you all so much. Please pray for peace and wisdom in the coming days.


Emily Warren

about 16 years ago

Hey Mom! I'll be the first to comment! I'm so proud you're my Mom and I love you so much! Dan was right when he said God picked the strongest person to allow cancer to come...You've already taught me so much through this and I love you soooo soooo much!!!!!! I know you're going to be ok and this is only going to make our family BETTER!! See you Tuesday:) Peanut!

Jeff Swan

about 16 years ago

Leslie and I will be praying for you, Stacy and Jeff. I figure you'll be swamped with requests to help, but if there is something left to do, please let us know. We are blessed to have y'all leading our church. It's amazing to see how when the church is turning a corner and getting so much more dedicated to serving people around the world, to stepping out of our typical close-knit community comfort zone, God allows a very, very difficult challenge into your lives. I can't imagine what it would be like if the mom of our household was facing what Stacy is facing.

Steve and Nannette Riley

about 16 years ago

Our prayers are with you, Stacy and family. God is control!

Susan Seiring

about 16 years ago

Isaiah 42: 16 was shared with me by a friend, and I want to pass it on to one of the dearest friends I have ever had. "I will lead the blind by ways they have not known; along unfamiliar paths I will guide them; I will turn the darkness into light before them and make the rough places smooth. These are the things I will do; I will not forsake them." Stacy and Jeff, I came to McKinney because of Pat Ann, and found you guys. There aren't words enough to express the blessings God has brought to me through you, not the least of which are Emily, Whitney, and Travis. I told Whitney this morning, and I want Emily to know, that anytime they need to talk or cry or yell or whatever emotion they need to express, they know where to find me. God is good, all the time. I love you, Susan

Susan Mouser

about 16 years ago

Jeff and Stacy: My heart is touched by your story. I was reminded of a young man, B.J. Higgins, who became sick after a mission trip to Peru (he was 15 at the time). When the family realized the antibiotics weren't working - B.J. was asked what he wanted God to do - B.J.'s reply was - "Whatever will maximize His glory, that is what I want Him to do." ( I have kept that quote posted at my desk and strive (and many times fail) through the good and bad of life to pray and live so His glory will be maximized. I sensed this theme in Jeff's talk this morning. My prayers are with all of you.

Paul Baity

about 16 years ago

Stacy and Jeff: I just wanted to say how much you are loved and what a blessing you have been to my family. I firmly believe the hand of God is on you both. God has made you strong and he will comfort and guide you both through this. I and my family will keep you in our prayers. If you need an empathetic ear, we are here for you. Yours in Jesus Christ.

gerry clarke

about 16 years ago

LUKE 4:40 Now when the sun was setting, all those who had anyone sick with various diseases brought them to Him; and He laid His hands on every one of them and healed them. Your faith and the prayers of family and friends will bear you before jesus and his healing touch. Nár lagaí Dia do lámh Gearóid

Lynn Tanner

about 16 years ago

Dear Stacy, Thank you for the message you gave to us in Mom Matters several years ago about Finding Rest in a Busy Life. I know that you are as close to God as you have ever been despite the new journey that God has allowed your family to take. He will use every one of you to bring glory to His name. I am sure that your spiritual solitude has allowed you to live "In the Calm". Ps. 131:1-2 - My heart is not proud, O Lord, my eyes are not haughty; I do not concern myself with great matters or things too wonderful for me. But I have stilled and quieted my soul; like a weaned child with its mother, like a weaned child is my soul within me. You, Pastor Jeff, Whitney, Emily, and Travis will remain in my prayers. Like so many others, if there is ever anything I can do, please know that I am always here in thoughts and prayers and would love to do anything you may need done. I love all of you. Ps. 34:18-19 - The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit. A righteous man may have many troubles, but the Lord delivers him from them all. I am leaving you a book by Emilie Barnes to read. It is "Knowing God's Comfort - Safe in the Father's Hands". I pray it will be a comfort to you and full of encouragement. Much love and prayers, Lynn

Tracy Doyle

about 16 years ago

Dearest Stacy, It's everyday that Bryan and I thank God for you and your precious family. Your grace and beauty radiate and we are so grateful you are part of our lives. May you know an extraordinary presence and power in these days ahead - a presence that doesn't make any sense to other but only to you.. God invites us to intercede for complete healing and so we have claimed this promise by faith. We love you so much, Tracy (and the Doyles XXXXX)

Kim and Jeff

about 16 years ago

Stacy and family, The Heaton family is praying for you! We love you and your precious family so much and are here if you need anything. Stacy, last year as I prepared to go to Africa, you would remind me that when I am weak, He is strong. He IS Strong, and He will walk with you--and carry you as needed--every step of the way. We will continue to pray for you throughout this unforseen journey. I pray that God will be your Rock and your Salvation, Your Strenth through all of your days. Love to you, The Heatons

Joe & Mary Ann Dowell

about 16 years ago

Even with this surprising journey you find yourself on, we know it was no surprise to God. He is our comfort all the time but especially in times like this. We are thankful for the kind and gentle hearts you and Jeff have - you will touch lives for the Kingdom all along the way because of your great faith. Praying for your every step - for healing, peace, comfort and strength.

Melissa Ewing

about 16 years ago

Jeff & Stacy, Please know that you are in our prayers. Howard and I feel honored and blessed to serve on staff with you. I know that God is faithful and He will lead you every step of this journey. We will pray that Jehovah Rapha will bring you complete healing and strength. Please know that our family is here to help in any way that we can! Please call on us. We want to help. Find rest, O my soul, in God alone; my hope comes from Him. He alone is my rock and my salvation; He is my fortress, I will not be shaken. Psalms 62:5-6 Love you, Howard and Melissa and family


about 16 years ago

Warm hugs to all of you! I love you all very much!! Peace be with you, ~Sylvia and family

Jim & Kathy Anderson

about 16 years ago

Jeff & Stacy - our prayers are with you now ... you've both blessed so many so strongly; God will bless you all, and allow you to be blessed by your community. Our S. African friend Leo told me in the midst of his medical trial, that he's been blessed more than ever and that God has shown him Kingdom community in a dramatic and new way. Praise God for His Great Love and Companionship as you journey this life chapter. Our love to all the Warrens.

valerie New

about 16 years ago

Sweet Stacy and Pastor Jeff, As you know, Charlie and I have walked this path with our son, Andy, so we may have some insight in how to pray for you during this difficult journey. I am specifically praying that God will remove all fear and allow you to truly rest in Him. Early in our cancer experience, we were told that it is a "family disease". All of your sweet family will walk along beside you in a very special way. Our family was helped immeasurably by Christian counselors. Even in the midst of the pain and difficulty we can all honestly say that the experience made us a stronger family. I know that God will receive glory and others will be drawn to Him by your sweet spirit. Pastor Jeff, I would hope that you will have the freedom to take the needed time away from the pulpit. We have so many good teachers who can fill in. Charlie and I are both hopeful that you will spend the time you need together. Stacy, I would like to begin a regular prayer time for you with others of your closest friends. Please let me know if I can organize this. Thank you for all that you do for us. WE love you very much, Valerie and Charlie New

gretchen reck

about 16 years ago

When Brian and I heard the news, it brought back lots of emotions with Molly's diagnosis last year. We are in steadfast for Stacy and we know that God will take care of your family, as He carried our family through many dark days. I know God has a plan for Stacy and will do amazing things through this. We are praying for Stacy to heal from her surgery, have peace knowing God is in control, and comfort with the upcoming treatment. If you need anything, please let us know. Brian and Gretchen Reck "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me" Phil 4:13

Kent and Angie Stout

about 16 years ago

Dear Warren Family, We love you all so much and are praying for you at this time. We pray for God's comfort and peace in your home. Stacy, we are confident God will take care of you. I (Angie) thought of you today when I was singing along with Kendyl, our three year old, to her Bible song CD...we sang, "...angels watchin' over me my Lord."...all night and all day, He is watching over you. We would love to help you all in any way possible if you need us. Much love, The Stout Family

David and Tabi

about 16 years ago

Jeff and Stacy, Thank you so very much for sharing such a personal battle with us. As I cried with you this morning, I was humbled by the beauty of your love for each other and your undying love for Our Lord and Savior; the Great Healer. Cancer has touched our lives several times and each time we are blown away by God's amazing power. We want to encourage you with hope and healing. A burden shared is a burdened lifted. We will be praying for your family in the days, weeks and months to come. Stacy, Your beautiful spirit shines brighter than you know. Thank you! The Dosseys

David & Gina Hammack & the boys

about 16 years ago

Dear Pastor Jeff, Stacy and kids, We are so blessed to have you lead our church. Your strength and vision is a constant reminder of how we should lead our lives. Stacy, we pray trhat God will bless you with healing, strength and peace. Jeff and kids, we pray that God will give you strength and clarity on how to best support Stacy. Stacy, as Lynn mentioned, I've often thought of your talk to Mom Matters about finding peace in our frantic world. May God speak to you in a special way in the coming days - just as you spoke to us that morning. Also, given that we're neighbory, please don't hesitate to call upon us for help. We would love the chance to minister to you and your family. You will all be in our prayers in the days and weeks to come. God bless you. David & Gina Hammack & the boys


about 16 years ago

Though we have recently been called elsewhere, we have been blessed for almost the past 6 years to have you as our pastor and pastor's wife. The times we had together were so sweet and meant so much to us. We are praying for and claiming healing for you, Stacey, and we look forward to seeing how the Lord reaches many more for Him through this - through you! Love, Alan and Jamie Michael

Randy & Vicki Hedrick

about 16 years ago

Jeff, Stacy & family, What a joy to get to know you better on our recent Guatemala trip. It was wonderful seeing the love for each other and your family. What an example you all are for us. We are heartbroken and saddened to hear about Stacy's cancer diagnosis. We can't imagine the fear of the unknown you are going through now. Please know that we will continue to pray for a complete healing. We have seen miracles unfold before our eyes in our own family and know that there is nothing too big for the Great Physician. We pray that God will give your doctors' wisdom and that He will guide their every move. We pray that your family will be comforted in the Father's arms. Thank you for the example you are to those that surround you. Your ministry reaches far and touches many. We love you! The Hedricks

Ricky, Cheryl, Ryan, and Jordan Carter

about 16 years ago

Jeff, Stacey, Emily, Whitney, and Travis, The Carter family just wants you to know that we are praying for you. We were on our way back from A&M today and several people called us and told us the trial that you are going through. It just so happened that I was listening to Sandi Patty on my Ipod when I got the first call and the song that I was listening to was "There is Strength in the Name of the Lord". I prayed for you all the way home and our family will continue praying for you. We love you so much, Ricky, Cheryl, Ryan and Jordan Carter

Kenny Bramlett

about 16 years ago

Job 23:10 And when He has tested me I will come forth as gold. Stacy, notice I didn't say Mrs. Warren and Dr. Jeff. I just wanted to thank both of you for being such an amazing encouragement to me. I am so blessed to say that I know you both. My mom asked me to tell you that she has all of her church in Willard Missouri and her prayer partners around the world at work. The God that we serve tell us that we are not given anyting we can't handle. This is just another one of those situations when He and He alone will be glorified! He gives us miracles each day when we wake up and I am expectant to hear about the miracles he gives you each day of this journey. You are all in our prayers and thoughts! Love you all Kenny

mike and lesley bain

about 16 years ago

Stacy, Jeff and family, We are praying for you and lift you up to the Father. I can't help but sing the song your daughter sang in New Community on Mother's Day, "Set the World on Fire," : The lyrics: I wanna set the world on fire Until it`s burning bright for You It`s everything that I desire Can I be the one You use? I, I am small but You, You are big enough I, I am weak but You, You are strong enough to Take my dreams Come and give them wings Lord with You There`s nothing I can not do Nothing I cannot do I wanna feed the hungry children And reach across the farthest land And tell the broken there is healing And mercy in the Father`s hands My hands my feet My everything My life, my love Lord, use me I`m gonna set the world on fire Set the world on fire---- I pray that God uses this situation to show HIS love and glory as your light shines among this dark world. Stay Strong. The Bains

David & Cleette Harrison

about 16 years ago

Jeff, As you spoke this morning, sitting with tears in my eyes reflecting on my own personal journey with cancer (12 years cancer free!), I truly empathized with the pain and uncertainty you are feeling now. I still cannot imagine how difficult it must be to hear your spouse is battling this disease -- as my wife also experienced when I was diagnosed -- as hard as it is, I believe it is often much harder on the caregiver than the patient. As you were speaking, one message kept coming to mind. That message is not meant to sound contrite, and is heartfelt: Stay the course. This new battle is a notice that the work you and your family are doing here in McKinney is having a great impact on our community and our world. When we threaten Satan, he strikes out at us. If we are not a threat, he usually leaves us alone. Your job (husband, father, pastor) will be doubly difficult now -- you must keep your family priority one and care for them as they need you more than ever. However, the leadership you bring to our church, teaching us how to change the world one life at a time, is taking hold. It is up to each of us to practice what you preach, to support you and your family in this time, but also to carry on the work we have begun. I pray that we are also up to this challenge. Jeff, I encourage you to STAY THE COURSE even though the road ahead is unknown. You ARE making a difference. David & Cleette Harrison

Leigh Ann Berry

about 16 years ago

Hello, sweet Stacy...I absolutely know that this is but a small part of the greatness God has in mind to show you and your precious family. I think back on our Bunker Hill Kindergarten best friend days in Houston...and it has always been a joy to become reconnected with you through the years. He will continue to honor your faithfulness as He continues to bless others through have ALWAYS certainly been a blessing to me. I love you!

Rodney Ross

about 16 years ago

Jeff and Stacy, 2 Corinthians 1:3 All Praise to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, God is our merciful Father and the source of all comfort. 1 Peter 5:7 Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you. My family cares about your family, and we will be on bended knees in prayer. I can tell when you speak of Stacy she is the light of your world. God is great, and you have a great family. Your family has had more of an impact on us than you know. God led us to First Mckinney three years ago, and we used to drive 40 miles to come to church. Now we live in Mckinney and can't wait to be on mission even more. Stacy, I have never met you but feel as though I know you. You are a ROCK, and I know your walk with Christ will be your foundation to a speedy recovery. We love you and wish you luck. Rodney, Lauren, and Rylan Ross Rodney, Lauren, Rylan Ross

Darryl & Lisa Chavis

about 16 years ago

Jeff, Stacy & Family: While it can be difficult to find oneself in the center of God's will, He is always in control. Know that we add our prayers to the chorus of others from your friends for your recovery and that the Lord be glorified by this new path upon which he has set before you. - Darryl & Lisa Chavis

Lorna Murphy

about 16 years ago

Brother Jeff, thank you for sharing with us the difficult time that you and your family is going through. It really touched me Sunday morning, and has helped focus me back in the right direction. Sometimes I get all caught up in my own problems and sorrows that I forget that the world is moving around me. I was extremely moved as was everyone else in the room. God bless you. I know how difficult this must be for you. Stacy, I've never gotten the privilege to actually meet you, but know that you're loved and prayed for. I know this is a scary thing, but I'm so inspired by your strength in our Almighty God. I'm not sure that I could be so strong. Thank you for sharing your journey with the church. We all love you. God bless you! I know this must be so difficult for your children, but it seems they have a fire for the Lord and understand that it's His will that must be done. God bless your sweet children. In Christ, Lorna

Shari Nederhoff

about 16 years ago

Pastor Jeff, Stacy and Family, You are SO loved by so many and yet our love does not come close to the love of our Father in heaven, who is in control and will guide your steps in this journey you are on. We will be praying for you constantly and will be here for you if you need anything. We're just a phone call away. Stacy, your tender and quiet spirit is seen in all you do and I know God will do amazing things through all of this. Pastor Jeff, your love for Stacy is so evident each time you speak about her. May you find comfort in that love at this time. Emily, Whitney and Travis - you all are incredible - your thoughtfulness, support and love for your mom, dad, and one another is always noticeable - may you continue to lean on each other during this time. We love you. My soul finds rest in God alone; my salvation comes from Him. He alone is my rock and my salvation; He is my fortress, I will not be shaken. Psalm 62:1

Michelle Rader

about 16 years ago

You and your family have been so much on my mind and in my prayers. As I've been praying for you, the words I will rest in you keep coming to me. I do pray that in the midst of this incredible storm that you can find rest in the precious arms of Jesus. My dad has a church in Oklahoma and I've put you on their prayer list. They are a mighty group of prayer warriors! Love and prayers, Michelle Rader

Elisio & Adriana Roza

about 16 years ago

Dear Jeff & Stacy, Our hearts are heavy, but know our Lord will be glorified through all of this. Adriana and I as well as our kids are praying for you. We are asking the God of the impossible to do the impossible for you. We have asked a lot of people in Brasil to pray for Stacy as well. Your brethren in Christ, Elisio, Adriana, Lucas, Ana Luiza & Matheus Roza.

Sheri Groom

about 16 years ago

Whitney, oh sweet Girl, my heart was breaking Sunday as I listened to your father mouth the words that none of us want to hear that a family member is stricken with Cancer. My prayers are that you will be open to the Lord and your Family/Extended Family as they try to muddle thru to soothe you and offer any help that we might be able to be in this season of your life. You are an amazing young woman -- I had the privilege of observing you from close up in Share Group and I stand amazed at you and your life stong. I have had the privilege of admiring your father from afar as a member of the church but after meeting your beautiful mother - I could sense her quite and strong sense of purpose and what a brave heart she must be for your family. I am hugging you from a distance and please know that I am here for you if you ever want to yell, talk, go watch a movie or just sit. I have personally walked this journey with my mother when I was 18. Our family is praying for your Family and we want to be a sense of help for all at this time. XXXXXXOOOOOXXX Greg, Sheri, Shawn and Kendell Groom

Claudia Kelley

about 16 years ago

Stacy and family, As I sit here writing this it is pouring rain August. And you know the earth is so dry and needs that rain so much. It makes me think that God takes the rain, which we don't always view as welcome, and uses it for so much good. I don't know how He chose you to be the one to go through this tough tough time, but I do know why. Your faith and light will shine in a new way for those who need it so much to see. And I am confident He will place many around you to be curious about what it is you have that they don't. Know our hearts hurt for you and your family right now and we will be praying for you every day. I know our wonderful God is in control and He will care for you. You are so special to Him...and all of us. Claudia

Jack Haye

about 16 years ago

Stacy and Jeff - We are praying for you guys! We know that we serve a God of Hope. Hebrews 11:1 reminds us all of the intricate dance between hope and faith. It is that hope that defines us, especially in times of difficulty. Hope that transcends diagnoses, test results and progress reports. Hope that invites us to rest in Jesus. Thank you for teaching us and leading us through your lives of service. "Miss Stacy" is a special name in our household. Nicholas smiles everytime he says it. We love you guys! Jack, Carol, Nicholas, Sutton, Sumner, McCall, Caleb, Austin, Savannah and Grayson

John Shapiro

about 16 years ago

Jeff and Stacy, Lori and I are so thankful for you and your family! You have and are impacting us deeply. Our prayer is that you will have strength when you are weak, hope when it is difficult, grace when there is fatigue, and love when there is pain. Thank you for the ministry your family has for Christ. We love you, John & Lori

kim vitz

about 16 years ago

As we sang in church yesterday, "Amazing Love", I was reminded of my dear, late friend, Melanie Quinn. She kept a plaque with these words above her bed.... As she was awakening from her surgery only to find out that she was not to have her transplant as she had hoped for and that she instead had cancer, you were there, Jeff. As I am sure you recall, the first thing out of her mouth was," Just let Him use me." I was and am still amazed at her grace, strength and faith throughout all of her struggles. She was such an inspiration. Stacy, I have no doubts that you will be an inspiration to others. We know that God's love is Amazing and that He can do amazing things. I will be praying for you and that He will work through you as you go through this journey. I will pray to the Great Physician for complete healing, for your comfort, perseverence, and strength. For peace and comfort for your precious children. For peace, and encouragement for the world's best pastor. God really blessed our lives in a huge way when you guys moved to McKinney. Please let us know if there is anything we can ever do for you. We will pray without ceasing. We love you all very much. May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him. Romans 15:13 Kim and Tony Vitz

Chris & Brenna Stull

about 16 years ago

Jeff and Stacy, Not a minute goes by that we are not thinking of you. We want to say again today how much we love you, how grateful we are for your friendship, and how much we applaud your lives and that of your children. You are a gift of grace to all you touch. You bring out the best in people and you bring joy to every room you enter. We wish you God's joy and peace today. I pray to God Almighty that you are healed. May His power touch you, may He replace all sickness with wholeness, and may He fill your heart/mind with His presence! Wishing you God's best today and claiming His hope for you, Chris and Brenna

Joann Loughlin

about 16 years ago

Dear Stacy, Slater and I know how much the prayer support of fellow believers lifts us and carries us through many a trial. Please know that we will be praying for you, Jeff and those beautiful children as you go through this time. It is pure joy to know how the Father loves us all. Our love, Slater and Joann

David and Shelley Davis

about 16 years ago

My assitant has joined your church, loves you guys, and keeps me up with what's going on. After this past Sunday she sent me this link and Shelley and I want to tell you that we have thought of you often and prayed for you much over the years since we have been apart (from PCBC). Now, we are on our knees for you Stacy and for His purpose in this. We pray for strength, peace, and for His Hands to work in you for your complete healing and for His great glory. We love you. David and Shelley and the (grown) kids

Katie True

about 16 years ago

Pastor Jeff and Stacy, I know that this is a difficul time for you, but I also know that God is going to do great things through it. Your family has been such a blessing to me and my family over the years that we have lived in McKinney and I have loved growing in Christ with Emily and Whitney. I see alot of both of you in each of them. I can only empathize for what you are going through and know that the road ahead may be rocky as my grandfather is now back in remission after battling leukemia and then a relapse after his first remission. My prayers are with your whole family. It's like Emily said, God wouldn't allow this to happen if He wasn't positive that in Him your family is strong enough to endure it. One of my favorite verses simply states, "...and it came to pass". And this too shall pass. Regardless of when that time comes or how it comes, it'll pass. So as I begin my journey at Baylor and your family begins this journey remember that every journey, no matter if it's a short walk or a marathon, every journey begins with that first step; and your first step was when you surrendered your fears, worries, and uncertainties over to Him. I love you all and will always remember you in my prayers. Katie True (my favorite verse) "When I am afraid, I will trust in You."- Psalm 56:3

Trish Wilson

about 16 years ago

Stacy- What a wonder you are. Dynamic in faith, steadfast in worship of the one who knitted your body together and knows your body better than any other. You are within the realm of holiness in that you are surrendered completely to the will and glory of the Father before this unexpected journey, and now even more so. I have often prayed and thought of you and the rest of the Warren clan and wished that we could be nearer in location, but know that life sometimes causes even those close by not to make time for each other. Know that I am committed to praying specifically for God's power in your body and your testimony as you serve to bring him glory in all of this journey. You are a strong woman because you know in your weakness, He makes you strong. You are one of the most incredible women I have ever known and I pray joy in the days ahead for you and a tremendous expectation of each day and the Lord's hand working in and through your life in the lives of others. Love and miss you. Jer. 29:11. Jeff and kids- I love you and am holding you close in prayer. God bonds sisters and brothers together with the blood that is thicker than any other thing, the blood of Christ. You can call or ask anything at anytime and know that my family and I are there. Be blessed as you have blessed so many. Trish

Loretta Adler

about 16 years ago

Stacy: Bill and I want you to know we are praying for you and your family. I woke up this morning early thinking about you. I feel so strongly that God is going to heal you. In the interim you strong faith will glorify our Glorious Savior Jesus Christ. You, Jeff and the children have been such an inspiration to all of us and will continue to be. In Jesus Christ Name, Loretta and Bill Adler

Kathleen Robinson

about 16 years ago

Dear Stacy, I had the priveledge of getting to know you through the "Heartstrings" ladies BFG a few years ago. You have such a gift of caring and making each person feel so special. May You, Jeff, Whitney, Emily, and Travis be encouraged in knowing you are being prayed for by all of the BFGs at First Baptist and beyond. If Chris Stull had not asked the congregation to honor your request for privacy, there would have been a steady stream of baptist women (including me) delivering casseroles to your door. Instead, I will be delivering a prayer each day to our Heavenly Father for your full recovery. Thank you Stacy and Jeff for continuing to be a good example of love and commitment.

Paula Odell

about 16 years ago

Dear Stacy, I know we don't know each other really well; however, you are my sister in Christ and I love you! I can't begin to say I understand what you are going through. I can't begin to say I understand what your family is going through. I do know when I was waiting my outcome, I found a peace knowing I am a child of God and that He loves me so much. At the same time, He loves you that same way. He is with you and is the ultimate comforter. At the same time, what I do know about you is that you are a true servant; therefore, it will be difficult to let others serve you. Keep in mind this is a time for you to be blessed by others, especially your family. Know I am praying for you and your family. I have placed you in God's hands and I know He is cradling you. Love Your Sister! Now Dearest Jeff, I can't begin to understand what you are feeling or going through. You have many titles or hats to wear; however, at this time your attentions will be tried even more. I am praying you will continue to find the balance you need, while supporting your wife. You and Stacy both have a range of emotions....let them come. God understands your emotions and will guide you through as you experience them. Even though you are the head of the family, remember to let others minister to you. Let them be a blessing, just as you have been a blessing to them. Know our family is praying for you and your family. We are here for you. If you need anything, please call on us. We are more than willing to assist you and your family. We love you!

Kim Senteney

about 16 years ago

Stacey, Just a quick message to share my life verse in hopes that at the moment you read it, the words will lift you with HIS strength and power: "I can do all things through CHRIST who gives me strength." Phil 4:13. Feel our prayers

Parli Family

about 16 years ago

Hopefully your family realizes how much you are loved. The things you have done for us are immeasurable. We are praying for strength, guidence, and recovery during these challeging times. Even though we are in Austin, please know that we are always there with you. Love Matt & Beth Parli

Chris & Leigh O'Malley

about 16 years ago

Hey Jeff, Stacy, Emily, Whitney, & Travis, Got the news this morning while vacationing with dear friends in New England. We immediately stopped what we were doing and had a precious time of intercession for you all. Though we are miles away, we are only a whisper's distance from the Father's ears, and our consolation is in that primary connection. We will utilize it; we will take advantage of it; we will thrive through it for your sakes as we trust in faith the Father's purpose and desired journey through this most recent turn of events. We love you and stand with you in this most important juncture. We will be monitoring the progress, and rejoicing with you as the 'Lord shows Himself strong on your behalf, an behalf of those whose hearts are loyal to Him!'(2 Chrn.16:9) You are all deeply loved and appreciated; may His grace and peace be your provision - may His healing touch be your portion. Blessings, Love, & Grace, Chris, Leigh, Matt, Morgan, Jenna, & Lauren

Mary Knox

about 16 years ago

Stacy, Jeff and beautiful family, thank you for being such a blessing in our lives. When I've faced tough times in my life, there was a special passage that always got me through it, Philippians 4:6-7 Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything; tell God your needs and don't forget to thank him for his answers. If you do this you will experience God's peace, which is far more wonderful than the human mind can understand. His peace will keep your thoughts and your hearts quiet and at rest as you trust in Christ Jesus. We love you and we know that you can pull through this. With God all things are possible. You are in our prayers. Please call us if you need anything. Much love, Mary, George, Drew and Christopher

The James Smith Family

about 16 years ago

COUNT ON US TO: Love you Pray for you Support you Be there for you! James, Dianne, Tonna, Don, Will and James, Jr.

Markay Marshall

about 16 years ago

Dear Stacy and Jeff, Please know that I am praying for you as you travel this unexpected journey. You have a host of friends at Park Cities Baptist that love you and are here for you at a moments notice, especially me. Hugs, Markay

Melody Fletcher

about 16 years ago

Stacy & Jeff-Even though the Lord called me to another church family a couple of years ago, that does not lessen the appreciation I have for both of you. I will keep your family in my prayers and will add you to our church prayer list. This faith journey will impact not only your family, but the entire FBC McKinney family. May God carry you both. When my dad went through his bout many years ago, I saw it as a chance for my parents to receive instead of give all the time. Allow the Savior to minister to you in a special way through a loving church family.

Cheryl Pearce

about 16 years ago

Stacy & Jeff, We received the news of Stacy's diagnosis just now. We will be faithful in praying specifically for your complete and swift recovery, Stacy. The road ahead will no doubt be difficult, but we know the Lord will be with all 5 of you every step of the way. We love you and your family and remember fondly all the years we served with you in the youth ministry at PCBC. Miuch love, Cheryl & Ed Pearce (& girls)

The Samuel Family

about 16 years ago

Stacy, Jeff, Emily, Whitney and Travis We wanted you to know that the Samuel family will be lifting you up in prayer before our Heavenly Father. We are so thankful for your entire family. The Samuel Family

Debi Newman

about 16 years ago

Jeff and Stacy: I know there are lots of prayers being said on your behalf. I pray that each new day brings the strength, wisdom and grace you need for the day's challenges and that the enemy is dumbfounded by the faith of the Warren family and is sorry that he ever messed with any of you. Greater is He that is in you than He that is in the world and the Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead is living in you, that same Spirit will bring life to your motal body also. (paraphase of Romans 8:11. As Paul also said "I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that wil be revealed in us." (Romans 8:18). I already see His glory on this website and the words that are spoken about and over you all. Prayers and Blessings, Debi Newman

Christy Barnes

about 16 years ago

Stacy and Jeff - The first few words of your life verse have made a profound impact on my heart and soul today as I learn of this journey you are on. "I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me." Stacy, the Lord has already used this circumstance to make an impact, please know I love you both and will faithfully pray as the Holy Spirit leads.


about 16 years ago

Hey Jeff and Stacy! We love and miss you guys! We'll be praying for you. Andrew and Cynthia Knight

Stephen Barnes

about 16 years ago

Stacy and Jeff, What a blessing you have been to me and my family. I loved serving with you both in Youth at your old church in Dallas. The minute I read this my heart became heavy, my throat tight, my eyes wet with this trial for you and your precious children. You have far too many people to keep blessing for any time frames to change. This morning, studying God and His Sovereignity, I grew comfort at His abilities, especially His ability to create wonderful things like Stacy and His love for His Creation, mainly us. He knows your heart and I think I do too. Because of your heart, His plan for you is wonderful. He just doesn't do things the way we think most of the time. That actually is pretty great eternally. I am praying for great comfort for you both and a complete and quick healing of Stacy's Cancer. We will be hugging and praising God soon. In and For Christ, Stephen Barnes

Katie True

about 16 years ago

"after the rain" by aaron jeoffrey i cover my heart, turn from the wind, look to coat. here comes the storm again. what can i do but to trust in Him? cause i know the deeper my faith runs, the stronger i become. and the thunder it may shake me but i always know that after the rain, you can look to the sky again. the clouds will give way to the light of the Son. after the rain, you know that you've made it through. and you finally see the joy from the pain. after the rain. everyone needs. everyone hurts. everyone feels the weight of the world sometimes, but dont the wind sweep your heart away. cause even the roughest waters calm, so when they come again, let them serve as a reminder. you can always know that after the rain, you can look to the sky again. the clouds will give way to the light of the Son. after the rain, you know that you've made it through. and you finally see the joy from the pain. after the rain. can't you see the hand of Jesus reaching out for you? you'll never have to face the storm alone. after the rain, you can look to the sky again. the clouds will give way to the light of the Son. after the rain, you know that you've made it through. and you finally see the joy from the pain. after the rain. you know that you made it. hold onto the hand of Jesus. you know that you made it, after the rain.

francisco nunez

about 16 years ago

Jeff and Stacy I thanks God to come to know you and have the privilege of work with bouth of you in Guatemala I don't understand whay the life change so quickly, but i understand God is in control. I promese pray for you and God glorify his name in your life. if is possible to i do something for you, please let me know......we love you

Trish Rissman

about 16 years ago

Stacy and Jeff, We love you and your family so much and are trusting in Him for your healing and renewed strength. It is not a journey of your choosing, but nevertheless it is a journey, one of tremendous faith, and we will be here for you all the way. We look forward to seeing your sweet face back with us! Love to you all, Trish, Bill, Stephanie and Rich

Chris & Leigh O'Malley

about 16 years ago

Good Morning, Jeff & Stacy, Thought of you when I heard these lyrics yesterday while listening to Casting Crowns - hope they can encourage you today: I'll praise You in this storm And I will lift my hands For You are who You are No matter where I am Every tear I've cried You hold in Your hand You never left my side And though my heart is torn ...I will praise You in this storm Love, Chris O

Karen Runyan

about 16 years ago

Stacy, Your smile and your grace has always blessed me. It seems like just yesterday when you and Jeff moved to McKinney to join us. What a joy it has been to see you faithfully serve beside your husband. Your family is so loved and treasured. I am praying that you feel our love and support as God gives you the strength to go through this time. Love, Karen and Thomas Runyan

Keith and Cindy Thompson

about 16 years ago

Stacy We have been and will continue to pray for you and know without a doubt that God has a wonderful plan for you as you embark on this unexpected journey. We often don't know where God will lead us, or why he chooses to take us down a particular path. We do know, however, that He loves us and will enable us to overcome any challenge that we encounter. Know too, that you have the earthly support of a wonderful Godly husband and great children who love you, as well as literally hundreds of others, both known and unknown to you. “Our God is an awesome God.” Keith, Cindy, Morgan, Madison, and Hunter

Lynn Gross

about 16 years ago

There are times in life when words just don't do the job and it is at those times, I believe, that God hears the groanings of our spirit. This is one of those times for me as I am sure that it is for you. We will pray about and for this journey of your life. We will pray that He will straighten the road, remove the bumps and give you plenty of gas along the way. The road map may be scary at this point, but it usually is just before a big trip. We trust Him for the destination. Thank you for sharing your journey. We love you!

Mark Schneider

about 16 years ago

Stacy, Jeff, and all the Warren clan, We love you all and are certainly joining the multitudes in praying you all through this....especially Stacy. We are all humbled by the tremendous servant leadership that your family displays. We know that through this trial, no family could demonstrate better the strong faith to fully puts hope and trust in our sovereign Lord. We are trusting Him to hold you close through this Unexpected Journey and provide you a peace and hope that surpasses all understanding. Your family is so precious to us all. Our church is so blessed because of you. Love, Mark, Barbara, Elle, and Shelby Schneider

jennifer mccann

about 16 years ago

Stacy, Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your precious family as you endure this "unexpected journey". With love, Bill & Jennifer Katie & Molly McCann

Ivan & Judith Hinderer

about 16 years ago

Jeff & Stacy, We're crying with you guys, praying for miraculous recovery, and rejoicing that God remains in complete control - always. Isaiah 55:9 Call if we can help. We love you. Ivan & Judith

John and Mary Cox

about 16 years ago

Stacey, Jeff, Whitney, Emily, and Travis, Mary and I leave today for a job in Florida for eight days, but please know that you will be in our prayers daily. God is good, all the time, not matter what. John Cox

Paul and Sue Dowdy

about 16 years ago

Jeff and Stacy... "The Lord is good, a stronghold [a refuge] in the day of trouble; and He knoweth them that trust in Him." (Na 1:7) You also has a "Refuge in the Woods," anytime it is desired... We will continue to lift you up in prayer, our Brother and Sister. Paul and Sue

Mary Miley

about 16 years ago

Praying for you and the family. There is joy in this time of the unknown. Psalm 91:1-2 He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.

Tom & Susan Collins

about 16 years ago

Dear Warren Family, Please know that you have our love and prayers in the days to come. The staff came together to pray for you yesterday and we drew comfort from each other as we lifted Stacey up for complete healing, comfort & joy through this journey. Stacey, you are full of grace and Christ will use your strength, your faith, and your love for others to bring them closer to him during this time. Thanks for being who you are! Love, Tom & Susan Collins

Chris & Brenna Stull

about 16 years ago

We started our day praying for you. What a privilege. You are dear friends. May God's presence guide each minute this day. We pray God's healing hand upon you as walk ahead toward doctor visits, times at home resting, and moments spent reflecting upon this journey. You are loved by many. You are loved by us! Chris, Brenna, Dillon, Derek, Caleb, Micah, Karis Joy, and Speedy!

Karen Mensch

about 16 years ago

Hi Stacy, I know you have prayed for me and many others during trials and difficult situations. That same God that you have watched work miracles for others during their struggles loves you and wants to work miracles for you. You are an amazing woman of faith and courage. God will walk with you and hold you close. He is the Great Physician. I will pray that His healing touch will be with you in this valley. My love and prayers are with you! Karen Mensch

Danny Wolf

about 16 years ago

Hi Stacy We will spend much time in prayer for your recovery. God is good and he always takes care of our needs. Stay positive. Jeff, you too are in our prayers. Keep the faith

Michael & LeAnne

about 16 years ago

Mere words cannot express what is in our hearts right now so we will keep it simple. We are praying for you & we love you.

Daniel and Aimee Dunnam

about 16 years ago

Stacy, You are in our prayers. I know everything will work out and God will reveal his plan. I've been reading through Job this morning and it meant so much more to hear Jeff talk about it. God Bless, Daniel and Aimee

Darren and Stacy Driskell

about 16 years ago

Stacy & Jeff & Family, We will continue to pray for strength and comfort for you all. We love you all and know that God will most definitely be lifted up and glorified during this season in your lives. God Bless, The Driskells Darren, Stacy, Nicole, Alexa, Mason & Hannah Lynn

Gina Hammack

about 16 years ago

Dearest Stacy, While trying to put my passion for knitting to a practical use, I've recently started knitting chemo caps to donate. I was looking for new patterns and ran across this website, "". This poem was on the front page and I thought it was wonderful. What Cancer Cannot Do Cancer is so limited ... It cannot cripple love, It cannot shatter hope, It cannot corrode faith, It cannot eat away at peace, It cannot destroy confidence, It cannot kill friendship, It cannot shut out memories, It cannot invade the soul, it cannot reduce eternal life, It cannot quench the spirit, It cannot lessen the power of the resurrection. Anonymous You are constantly in my prayers. love, Gina


about 16 years ago

You and your family are in our thoughts and prayers. You all are a blessing to the church and the church family. We know that God will see you all through this difficult time. You have many people praying for you- some people you probably have never met. Trust in God.

Melva Whitlock

about 16 years ago

Stacy and Pastor Jeff Though I have not walked this road that Stacy is walking I have walked it as a spouse. We asked that same question "Why us Lord?" and the answer always came "Why not You?" We not only knew the Lord but we had Him to daily walk with us giving us strength and hope for each new day. I praise Him that you also have this assurance. What a Mighty God we serve. God's Blessings on you and your family as prayers are being lifted daily.


about 16 years ago

Stacy- Our family has been lifting you up to the Father who can heal in a second! Thank you for being such a great partner with us as we serve Him. We pray you feel His presence more than ever before during this test. We love you and your family, The Byrds

Larry & Judy Thomas

about 16 years ago

Please know that Texas Baptist will be praying for you everyday. You mean so much to the Kingdom that God will bless you and use each day for you to bless many others.

Rickey and Julie Hargrave

about 16 years ago

Stacy and Jeff, Julie and I want to add our voices to the chorus of prayers directed at the throne of God for you. Our prayer will be three-fold. We will pray for the Peace and Wisdom as you requested. We also pray that a holy bonding will come upon you and the kids as you experience the supreme love of the Lord. Finally, we pray for Divine Healing through the power of the Lord as the doctors and nurses use the knowledge God gives them to minister to your physical needs. Stacy, May you be encouraged and strengthened by the tremendous support of the family of faith. Eternally, Rickey and Julie Hargrave

Maria L.Reyes

about 16 years ago

Stacy and Pastor Jeff my church HAY VIDA EN JESUS in Orlando is praying for you and your family but God is in control of our life and sometimes we do not understand but is not about us, is about him and I know that God has a purpose on this situation, we had a wonderfull time in Guatemala and we hope to see you brothers and sister again, God bless you. Maria Luisa.

Michael and Aimee Evans

about 16 years ago

Stacey and Jeff, Your family was always such an inspiration to our own family when we attended FBC McKinney before our move to another city. Your family continues to be an inspiration to us and all who know you. God has certainly chosen your family to go through this for a very specific purpose. While we don't know it at this moment, we will see it in time. We are praying for Stacey's healing and for God's glory to be shown in the entire process. Love, The Evans' Family

Linda Dixon

about 16 years ago

Stacy, I haven't seen you in a while but please know that I am praying for you during this difficult time. You and Jeff have been truly a blessing in my life during more than one difficult time and I love you both. Having been where you are now - I know how much the prayers and love of your own and your church family can lift you up and help you carry on. Blessings to you all, Linda Dixon

Mark & Linda Zschoche

about 16 years ago

Dear Ms. Stacey . . . Paul tells us in 1 Corinthians that when one part of the body suffers, all the parts suffer with it. We are truly suffering with you at this time. HOWEVER, we look forward to being joyful with you as our precious Lord and Savior restores you to full health. What wonderful hope we have in HIM!! Our hearts and prayers are with you! Mark & Linda Zschoche

karyn hill

about 16 years ago

Jeff and Stacy, Thank you both so much for sharing your incredible Emily with us the last couple of days. She is so special to us. We've loved getting to be with all of you. Jeff, I would love to talk to you more about your book. We want you to know we will be praying for your family. Love, Karyn

lynn huffhines Schwall

about 16 years ago

Stacy and Jeff, It's ol' Lynn Huffhines Schwall from PCBC. Brad heard the about Stacy today at PCBC staff meeting. I went to a routine mammogram May 07 age 41, diagnosed, lumpectomy June 1st, 4 rounds of chemo last summer, 6 wks of radiation last fall. I am here to tell you that bodies aren't perfect, but God is. He was so present with us and our kids (at the time 6yrs. Grace, 10 yrs. Sam). My health is great, my hair is def. growing and is just the same as before,blond and straight. You will totally be able to get through this. Days go by that I hardly think about it anymore when at first it was in my mind every second. The time will fly by, the treatments will fly by, and God will be so close to you. With God's help, Brad and my families' love, I can honestly say this wasn't even that bad. It wasn't my marriage or my kids or anything like that. I feel sad this happened with your body, but I feel happy that you are going to discover a peace from God that I still can hardly believe is possible under such circumstances. Love, Lynn and Brad Schwall

Paul & Becky Daily

about 16 years ago

Jeff and Stacy, Emily, Whitney, & Travis, We love you guys so much. You have been in our thoughts and prayers constantly. Stacy - You are the most gracious women we know. We pray for your rest, comfort, and healing through these days. Jeff - You are the most selfless man I know. We pray for strength and encouragement as you lead your family and your church. Travis, Emily, & Whitney- My mom had breast cancer when I was in high school. I know how this is a roller-coaster of emotions for you. I pray that God provides you with the peace that passes understanding - especially as you start back to school. Love, Paul & Becky Daily Aidan, Noah, Tucker, Cade & Titus

Lynn Budjenska

about 16 years ago

Dear Stacy, I know you will be smiling through your tears and will rest as easily as humanly possible because of your faith and love in Christ. Keep that classic red handy for those beautiful lips. Give my love to Emily and Whitney - they are beautiful girls. Keep the faith. You and your entire family will be constantly in my prayers, Love, Lynn

Ronald & Sue Umphress

about 16 years ago

Warren Family Our prayers are with you and we know the word CANCER as our grandson, Bailey,age 9, has Renal Cell Carsinoma(no cure). It is something you do not want to hear but the prayers of our friends and FBC have given us hope and strength. May God give all of you peace and strength and HIS Name be honored through these days. All of you are in our prayers. We love all of you. Ronald & Sue U.

Spencer Curtis

about 16 years ago

Although I am at a loss for words, God is not...He has already spoken about the journey on which you are traveling, and recorded it in His Word for you to find during this time. I pray that our teacher, the Holy Spirit, would reveal Himself in a new and fresh way. "Can a mother forget the baby at her breast and have no compassion on the child she has borne? Though she may forget, I will not forget you! See, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands..." You are in good Hands....

Charm Cameron

about 16 years ago

Stacy and Brother Jeff, I was sorry to hear about Stacy's illness. I am reminded that the Lord doesn't want us to worry about a thing because He is a big god and has everything under control. I just want you to know that you are in my thoughts and prayers. I am also reminded that the Lord never gives us more than we can bear. An encouraging poet wrote: "Therefore I live for today-- Certain of finding at sunrise Guidance and strength for the way. "Power for each moment of weakness, Hope for each moment of pain, Comfort for every sorrow, Sunshine and joy after rain!" May you and your family find the joy and sunshine that the Lord has for you after the rain. Love in Christ, Charm Cameron

Dr. Bruce and Susan Douthit, Lindsey, Andrew &Taylor

about 16 years ago

Stacy, Just having returned from 2 weeks in Egypt with Lindsey, I heard the news. Be comforted and confident that you are living in a country where the finest medical treatment is available for you to rid yourself of this cancer. "Circle the wagons" and fight this with everything you have available to you and your family. Pray without ceasing, cry when necessary, lean on those you hold so dear, rest when your body needs rest and be filled with a strength that only God can provide. God is in control. Join hands with Him, stand ready for everything, fight with the strength of a warrior and prepare for His blessings and miracles to pour over you. Dr. Bruce and Susan Douthit

Moses & Gloria Alemán

about 16 years ago

Dear Stacy & Jeff, Our prayers are with you. With God all things are possible. We hold you up not only in our prayers but also in our hearts. God bless you as you witness to all of us through this means. Moses and Gloria

The Estes Family

about 16 years ago

Dear Warren Family, Your family is a blessing to ours in so many ways. We are praying for complete healing for Stacy and strength and comfort for the entire family. We never know exacltly what God is up to but we can excitedly anticipate the mighty ways he will reveal himself! Thank you for your example of faith and grace! We Love You Guys! Jay, Traci, Paige and Jack

Shelley Houston

about 16 years ago

Dear Stacy and Jeff, Marian Osteen Engelland sent me and others an e-mail to let us know what was happening and with a link to your blog. I was a member of your PCBC youth group back in the early 90's, and God impacted me through both of you. I find myself right now with many dear people in my life that are dealing with cancer, and I will be in prayer for you, Stacy ... and for you, Jeff ... and for your children. I thank Him that He is walking with you THROUGH this valley and that He is our provider, healer, comforter, redeemer, and great physican. I trust He is providing daily manna to each of you, but I pray He will allow you to see it - at least in part - that you may be greatly encouraged. Strength and peace to you all in Him, and with love in Christ, Shelley Houston

Carol Griffin

about 16 years ago

Stacy, Rained my walk out this morning----"there shall be showers of blessings" ---- --- nice hymn to hum or sing out loud with the kids?? "this is the promise of God"----"seasons refreshing" ----- Continuing in prayer, Carol


about 16 years ago

my prayers are with you & your family! if you need anything at all, please let me know! take care, vance

Paul Taggart

about 16 years ago

Dear Stacy, Your friends in Houston are praying HARD for you. As you have prayed for me in a similar situation, please know that I am honored to return the favor. I will pray for you daily. It is truly amazing to see how God reveals Himself through the prayers of those around you. Prepare to be more amazed than perhaps ever before. I am so sorry to hear that you are going through this, but I am confident that our God will be revealed and glorified through it. We love you! Paul and Wendy.

Ron, Debbie,and Deena Vice

about 16 years ago

Stacy and Jeff, We wonder "why?".... could it be that this time in your lives (and ours) will be used to glorify God in a monumental way that only the light from one of His most precious servants could bring forth? You are precious to us, we love you and we lift you up in our prayers - now and always. Ron, Debbie and Deena

Dave & Anne

about 16 years ago

I hope that so many (thousands) are praying for you and your family gives you some relief during this episode in your life. Knowing that there are many who can comfort you as they have been comforted is so good. Others like us in the church family can still have tears and compassion for you' all. I'm praying for you to be healed and God to be glorified. Thank you for sharing your lives with so many of us.

donna addison

about 16 years ago

Stacy, Jeff & children, I did not attend the service on Sunday because I work in PS8 (NE corner of childrens building) which is next to security entrance. I finally asked someone what on earth did Jeff preach about because all the ladies came through to pick up kids and were all crying. At that time I heard the uncomforting news, but be sure that God will handle this as he does all else in your life. Be sure to let the kids support you as you have raised them to do "all things in Christ". I wish you well during this process & hope that you find peace, blessings unlimited and a full recovery. God Bless all of you and may you be lifted up by everyone. Donna Addison

valerie baxter

about 16 years ago

My sister and brother-in-law attend First Baptist Church. She was telling me about Stacy on Sunday. I immediately sent an e-mail to my Bible study ladies who are prayer warriors as well as to my associate pastor who has a Wednesday evening prayer time each week at 6:30 p.m. Your testimony of God's sovereignty & faithfulness is amazing and blessed me. I'm praying for you and your family and will look forward to hearing reports in the future. God bless you and give you peace! Valerie

LeAnna Martin

about 16 years ago

Dear Stacy, I have checked into the blog several times, but I've been at such a loss for words. I could echo so many of the sentiments that have already been expressed, but the truth is I have no original words of my own. I think this is one of those times when words fall away and what is left is just you and the Father. I am praying for complete healing and that in the waiting, God will comfort you, strengthen you, and love on you as only He can. While none of us would choose this route, I know that it's in these moments when we see aspects and treasures of God that can only be seen while we're being cradled in the shadow of His hands. You are an amazing woman of God, and you fulfill all your roles with grace and dignity. I have no doubt that even in the darkest points of this journey, you are bringing much glory to the Father! Earnestly praying, LeAnna Martin

Loreida Tremble

about 16 years ago

Stacy, Jeff and family, James tells us to count it all joy. Boy, this is a tough one. I just know that our sweet Lord is going through every step of this with all of you, and with the church that loves you so. We will lift you up daily and each moment we think of you, and we'll do our best to count it all joy. May you have the perfect peace that passes all understanding. And may you be inundated with prayer. Hack and Loreida Tremble

Joe & Evita Patton

about 16 years ago

We and the entire Cottonwood Creek Church staff are praying for your family during this time. Joe & Evita Patton

Jim and Monica Healer

about 16 years ago

Warren family, I just wanted to add my words to those already said. We are praying for you -- for peace, for strength, for hope, for grace, for love, and for healing. We pray God will be glorified through this journey your family is now on. Just know you are loved and lifted up constantly. Jim & Monica Healer

Donna Krempin

about 16 years ago

Precious Stacy, I met you only once and spoke with you only once, but your kindness touched me and I have loved you ever since. Your pure heart and Christ's love radiate for all around you to see. Please remember to actually enjoy pouring that Love over every part and step of your way (large and small) through this journey. Also remember that Christ allowed those that loved Him to minister to Him when He needed it. I've wondered if He wanted it or felt He needed it, but I know He allowed it. Enjoy, embrace, cherish the love of your friends and family; and most of all, allow them to love you and spoil you rotten. They need to show love as much or more than you need to "feel" it right now. Note the sound of experience here? I started my breast cancer journey this past December and finished treatments in February. I have been cancer-free for 5+ months. :o) I learned a lot. I know that all people need friends and family during illness; some people also need a friend that they don't know yet. I am volunteering for that role. IF you ever need me, call. You will have a lot of volunteers and God will tell you when you need who to call when (or is it whom?). :o) Don't be afraid to enjoy (use?) all your volunteers. Our Lord has set up many of these friendships for you and they want to love you. More info than I meant to share, but know that you are in my prayers throughout each day and call me if you need anything (214-544-7485). I have lists and numbers of many products that made my adventure easier. Oh yes, and read your notes often and enjoy what God says through them. It's really cool! Smiles and blessings, Donna Krempin PS - And forget about doing thank you's; your job is to love, be loved and let your body heal. You can blame me for not doing 'em! :o)

Steve & Patti Bower

about 16 years ago

Dear Warren Family: You have blessed our lives in so many ways: it is truly an honor to lift you up to our Holy Father during this difficult time! Although we no longer attend FBC McKinney, the love of Christ that radiates from there can still be felt here, over 2500 miles away! I will encouarge my bothers and sisters in Christ, as I am sure you are, to pray for Stacy and your family, so that people all over the world are lifting you up in pray. I pray for complete and total healing, and I praise God in advance for the work he will do! I also praise God for the good things that will flow from this: I know that is God's speciality, that He can use anything, and I do mean anything, for His glory. I thank Him for what he is doing right now in reminding us once again how completely and utterly dependant we are on Him. Any thoughts we have of power or control are mearly illusions: He is the source of all that is good, and He alone holds all power. I pray the you will feel the presence of our prayers, and more importantly, of God Himself, and that in the midst of this journey you find strength, courage and joy. We love you! Steve & Patti Bower Juneau Alaska

David Harper

about 16 years ago

Stacy, Your friends at PCBC are praying for you and for your family. The Lord promised to always be with us and He will be present with you in a palpable way now. We are praying for you to know the God of all comfort right now and experience His strength in a way that you never have before. Your verse is a wonderful promise to claim. We all love you very much. We will be praying that Jeff, always the encourager, to be filled even more with the Spirit of God to love and support you and the children. Be strong and courageous and we will support you with many prayers to the very throne of God. In His love, David and Cindy Harper

Dick and Nancy Green

about 16 years ago

Dear Stacy, Our hearts were saddened to hear about your diagnosis. We will pray for you daily. We know how overwhelming the first few weeks after diagnosis can be so let us give you an idea for some comfort. Remember the CD our choir did, "The Anchor Holds"? We think it will have new meaning at this time as you listen to it. The following are the words from one of the songs on it: Trust His Heart /When Answers Aren’t Enough All things work for our good Though sometimes we can’t see how they could. Struggles that break our hearts in two Sometimes bind us to the truth. Our Father knows what’s best for us His ways are not our own So when your pathway grows dim And you just can’t see Him Remember, you are never alone! God is too wise to be mistaken, God is too good to be unkind. So when you don’t understand, When you don’t see His plan, When you can’t trace His Hand, Trust His Heart! He sees the master plan He holds the future in His Hand So don’t live as those who have no hope All our hope is found in Him. We see the present weary But He sees the first and last, And like a tapestry, He’s weaving you and me into Something just like Him! He alone is faithful and true He alone knows what is best for you. When answers aren’t enough, there is Jesus! He is more than just an answer to your prayers, Your heart will find safe and peaceful refuge. When answers aren’t enough, He is there. God is too wise to be mistaken, God is too good to be unkind. So when you don’t understand, When you don’t see His plan, When you can’t trace His Hand, Trust His Heart! Stacy, We know that you will inspire others with your dignity and grace. We pray for complete healing! Love Dick and Nancy

Randel Everett

about 16 years ago

Dear Jeff and Stacy, I have not had the opportunity to meet you although my wife, Sheila and I attended FBC our first Sunday back in Texas when we moved here as Executive Director of the BGCT. The worship service was an awesome experience of the presence of God. I continue to hear how powerfully God is working through you and the church. Today I learned of the challenge you now face. I pray that you will experience the presence of Christ daily in a way that is morre profound than ever. I pray that God will give you strength, wisdom, hope and healing. We pray that God will be your Rock and your Hope. Please let me know if we can do anything in addition to our prayers. God bless you. Randel and Sheila Everett

Hans Rienderhoff

about 16 years ago

Both Sue and myself will be praying for your recovery, as well as peace and comfort. God has you right where he wants you. God continue to Bless you and your Family Hans and Sue

Terry Brown

about 16 years ago

Here's all I have for right now-- WE LOVE YOU Walking with you, Jim and Terry

Mary and Bill Rosen

about 16 years ago

Dear Stacy, You are loved by so many. Heaven must have been bombarded with prayers these last couple of days! Bill and I will continue to pray daily for you and your precious family. Mark 24:11 Therefore I say unto you, all things whatsoever you pray and ask for, believe that you receive them and you shall have them. Much Love, Bill and Mary

Mary Quindlen

about 16 years ago

Dear Warren family, We received an e-mail this morning from a member of your church asking for prayer for your family during this difficult time for you. Our church, Northrich Baptist Church in Richardson is known as a ptaying church. We would love to gift you with one of our little lap quilts in which members of the congregation tie a knot and say a silent prayer for you. To read about this ministry, please log onto our website under ministries and then let me know, along with your favorite colors. May God give you strength, peace, comfort and complete healing. Mary Quindlen

Sara Deats

about 16 years ago

Dear Stacy, I'm here for you, loving & praying for you. (214) 477-3257, Sara

Woody & Macey Conradt

about 16 years ago

Jeff & Stacey, We got forwarded this blog today with the news of Stacey's surgery and ongoing recovery. Since that time, we have been thinking about our precious friends from yesteryear at PCBC. Both of you meant so much to us early in our marriage as we are at the same stage of life journey. We are thankful that you you have continued to lead others by words and example since then. This diagnosis and recovery is another opportunity for Him to be glorified in your lives. I am reminded of another verse, Philippians 1:27 "Whatever happens, conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ". I can't think of 2 other people who have and do live this daily. You can count on Macey and I to pray for y'all through this treatment and recovery period and we look forward to having the opportunity to celebrate with you personally in the future. God Bless and Godspeed!! Woody and Macey

Roxanne and Bobby LeCroy

about 16 years ago

Dear Stacy, Our hearts are heavy with the news of your diagnosis, yet our feet are standing firmly with you on the precious promises of God - He will never leave or forsake you. Nothing can separate you from His love. When you are weak, He is strong. He hears our prayers. With our eyes on Him, we're praying for you! Bobby and Roxanne

Erin Anderson

about 16 years ago

Jeff and Stacy, Your PCBC family is praying too! :) Your life-long faith is leaving amazing footprints in SO many lives, mine included. I'm praying for strength and peace throughout the coming days and weeks. You are loved dearly! Erin Blaydes Anderson

Roberto Fanini

about 16 years ago

Stacy and Jeff, The Bible says that life is a vapor that comes and soon goes away. We as Christians know that we are not home yet but live our Journeys on earth under God's will. The Bible also says in Psalms to "be still and know that He is God". Thanks for sharing and for drawing us even closer to Him, for God reveals His secrets for those who love Him. In Him, Roberto, Elaine, Erick and Ingrid - yours forever...

David and Cindy Folmar

about 16 years ago

Stacy and Jeff, You and your family are in our prayers. Our hearts go out to you and we pray for full recovery. Stacy, you have come to my mind so much lately and I wasn't sure why, but I always just sent up a little prayer for you and Jeff. We miss yall, but know you are where God wants you to be. The Taylor Armstrong class will put you on our prayer list and pray for you weekly. I hope you know how much Park Cities is there to love and support yall through this time. Love, Cindy and David

Lonnie and Millie Abbott

about 16 years ago

We join with all the many others who are praying for you and your family. We know the power of prayer and the Lord's response to the prayers of His children. We claim His peace and His healing for you, Stacy. God will be glorified through your suffering and your faith in Him as a family. Many lives will be changed eternally through this journey for your family, and the prayer warriors that you have been for others serves as a model for all of us as we pray for you seeking the wisdom of the Holy Spirit and asking the Lord for restoration, His peace, and His grace for you all today and all the days that follow.

Kent Kelley

about 16 years ago

Wisdom for this time, I have none. Personal experience of a time like this, I have none. Scriptural references are many, and I know you can call upon them all. Hope, Faith, & Love you have in spades, without question. The warmth of GOD's Grace, I'm sure is all around you. Your Family and Church are all in prayer and offering their support. And with your focus on bringing Glory to GOD in whatever comes your way, there is no need for axioms or words of encouragement. But as tears fill my eyes I pray for the ease of your journey through this time, comfort and strength for your family, and I joyfully join you in your quest to Glorify GOD in your every step. LOVE in CHRIST, Kent

Cindy & Kevin Moseley

about 16 years ago

Stacy, I can't say that I understand what you are going through or even begin to know the kind of emotions you are experiencing at this time. All I know is that God is AMAZING and his purpose, though strange and even frustrating at times, is the core of everything we do ... everything that life offers us. Try to see this as a beginning to an incredible story and witness you will have later in life. I can remember my mother going through cancer and the ONE THING I can remember she relied on the most was God. And then ... my father. God and Jeff will see you through this. And our prayers are with you constantly. Jeff, Not only is this a trying time for Stacy but for you as well. God has given you yet another opportunity for you to show your faithfulness ... your passion for trusting God completely and knowing that He KNOWS what He is doing. You have to be the pillar of strength for Stacy. And I know she will be lifted up into God's caring hands by your support. "In sickness and in health ..." I know you will do amazing things for Stacy and for your own relationship with God in the days to come. We are with you every step of the way in our prayers. Kevin, Cindy & Summer Moseley

Michael and Shari Patterson

about 16 years ago

Stacy- We serve a great God who loves us and will not give us more than we can handle. He knows your every fear and will give you the strength and courage you need to endure through this journey. God is bigger than any disease and will sustain you as you walk through the days ahead. Shari and I will be praying for you, Jeff and your precious children daily! If you need anything at all please don't hesitate to call..214-384-6326. We love you!! Mike and Shari Patterson Jeff- You continue to be a great example of what it means to live forgiven. My prayer for you is that God will give you the courage and wisdom you need in these days to lead our flock while also caring for your loving bride. If I can help you create some "white space" on your calendar so that you have more time for Stacy and your family let me know...I am just a call away. Mike Patterson 214-384-6326

mike Wagers

about 16 years ago

Dear Warren family (Stacy), Lupe, Mikaela and I are praying for you. We are so very sorry to hear the news. My mom just went throught this earlier this year. She is winning!! Stacy, you said it best with scripture post surgery. We live for Him. In times like these what great joy we find in our hearts knowing this. I am reminded of a sermon Jeff preached when we visited the church last year. He asked "Do you worry?" Jeff's comment aned sermon was "Worry about NO THING in Christ" It has stuck with me ever since. Your family brought the message of Christ to me in 2001. I thank the Lord for your being in our lives. Hang in there. Your a winner! Mike, Lupe and Mikaela

Crystal Campbell & Family

about 16 years ago

Jeff & Stacy, When my Mother called me yesterday and asked me to check her email, (as her internet was disabled in a recent storm), I was not prepared for what I found. It was a forwarded email from my cousin with the subject line of "Paster Jeff Warren." My heart sank when I read the prayer request. I'm so sorry to hear what Stacy is going through, but I know that she is stong in her faith. I believe Jesus will carry you through this to the glory of God the Father. I came to FBC McKinney only 6 months after your family. It was refreshing to hear someone finally preaching the love of God instead of the scorn of God, [which I had grown up hearing]. I remember that Stacy was the very first person who walked up and greeted me one morning as I stood in the hall looking like a little lost puppy. She was so nice and warm and I was so excited the next time we came to church and saw that she was the teacher for my then 3 year old daughter, Cheyenne. We moved to Grapevine 2 years ago and have joined another church, but you guys will always have a wonderful, special place in my heart. Stacy, I know you haven't changed a bit. You are the most kind and warm soul I have ever known. I only hope that I turn out to be half the woman you are some day. I know God is with your family and please know that my family will continue to pray for you every day. We love you all so much! Crystal, Scott, Cheyenne and Charlie

Neal and Paula Ator

about 16 years ago

Jeff and Stacy, When we heard about your cancer on Sunday, it brought back memories of that phone call that said You have cancer. We need to do surgery. I know that the Lord will take you through this. He did me. Couldn't keep from thinking about a quote from Same Kind of Different As Me. Denver said, "The work Miss Debbie is doin is very important. She is becomin precious to God. When you is precious to God, you become important to Satan. Watch your back, Mr. Ron. Somethin bad gettin ready to happen to Miss Debbie. The thief comes in the night." I know that Stacy is precious to God and our God is bigger than anything Satan can do. Neal and Paula Ator

Debbie & Lane Sanders

about 16 years ago

Dear Sweet Stacey, I am not as talented as others with speaking or writing words, but the sentiment is deep and the love is real for you and your precious family. I prayed for you to have joy today in each private personal moment that you spend with Jesus. I also prayed that there would be many sweet memories that come for the precious times with family and friends today and over the next several months. And...I prayed for full healing. I believe God will honor the request! With deep love and admiration, Debbie

kim vitz

about 16 years ago

Thinking of you today Praying for you continually Loving you always

Lori Shapiro

about 16 years ago

Praying for you all today. My mom has been battling cancer for many years and my parents were with us last weekend. When Katie heard of how Whitney had put Bible verses all over the house for Stacy she wanted to come home and do the same for her grandmother. Whitney made a big impression on Katie during Christmas journey and I am very thankful for your family and the great kids you do have that even without knowing it they are encouraginging mine to love Jesus. Thank you for sharing your lives with us.

Mack Neff

about 16 years ago

God has much confidence in you as he entrusts you to demonstrate his message of Grace while we watch and pray... not unlike Job when Satan challenged God that Job would cave. I've only been in the area a few months, but as I've seen my cracked ornaments gain beauty, my nightmares turned back into dreams and my door kicked open a little more consistently, I've come to love and appreciate your family and ministry more and more. Thanks for your faithfulness to God's call in your lives.

Laurie Sample

about 16 years ago

Stacy: what a wonderful testimony you are to everyone you come into contact with. I will lift you up to the Great Physician every day. I have put your name on my computer at work and will ask God to surround you and all of your loved ones with His perfect peace.

Janise Powell

about 16 years ago

Stacy and Jeff, I am a breast cancer survivor of 4 years (diagnosed July 2004). The journey was filled with tears and laughter, heartache and rejoicing, and God is faithful and for you too, He will lift you up and comfort you during this journey. Along with everyone else, I wish to help you in any way I can. Please feel free to call or e-mail me if you need to talk to someone who has been along a similar path, or just need someone to sit quietly with you. Every morning I am lifting you up to the Great Healer, along with your family.

Frank and Margaret Mathews

about 16 years ago

Jeff and Stacy, Please know that our thoughts and prayers are with you and yours. We are now both cancer survivors, having just had my kidney removed that was cancerous. The people from FBC, McKinney and everyone we have had the pleasure of ministering to over the years were so faithful to lift their prayers before the Father on my behalf. I remember the hundreds of hours spent supporting Margaret through chemo and radiation. I would not have made it without the Lord Himself, and the way He spoke to us through His people. The reality - God is faithful! He is faithful to His Word and His promises. He is faithful to be there through every step that every one in your family will go through as you deal with your cancer. He will be faithful to use you to speak to others in your church and in your community. Your testimony will be a beacon light that will draw people to want Christ as their Lord and Savior! That is what we learned, and He will teach you that and so much more in the days to come. Frank and Margaret Mathews

Sherrilyn Price

about 16 years ago

We've been thinking of and praying for you daily since we heard the news. I know that your sweet family will draw closer to each other and to God in the days ahead. Our preschoolers sing a song that states, "Our God is a great big God, and He watches over me." Hold on to this simple truth in the coming days. It's easy for God to watch over you when He holds you in the palm of His hand! We will continue to "pray without ceasing" for comfort, strength, and healing. In His love, Jerry & Sherrilyn Price & family

Joy Roberts

about 16 years ago

Hi Stacy- You don't even know me but My mother and mother in law attend FBC and told me the report. I am praying for you and your family. I had one of your beautiful daughters in my home for a birthday celebration ( with Matt Budjenska) a few years ago. Today I met with the prayer team leader at McKinney Fellowship Bible and we prayed for you and put you on our church prayer list. You'll get through it. My 83 year old mother had it twice in both breasts - 10 years apart - and she is just fine and dandy today! It's been 5 years since her last bout with it! God is faithful and He shows Himslf strong for His own. Lifting you up! Joy Roberts

Jann Ash

about 16 years ago

Dear Stacy, I just prayed for God to give you strength, peace and wisdom as you take one day at a time. Psalm 57:1b "I will take refuge in the shadow of your wings until the disaster has passed." May God also give you many moments of joy and laughter with your family. Jann

John Parker

about 16 years ago

Dearest Stacy and Brother Jeff, How deeply sorry I was to learn of the cancer and your surgery. Even though it has been a while since we have spoken to you or seen you, you and your family have always been in our thoughts and prayers. We miss the times we had together when you were with us at PCBC and watching you grow in your marriage, your faith and your ministry. Stacy, your smile has always been something I always remember about you. I'm not sure I can ever remember a time when you weren't smiling. You are as beautiful on the inside as you are on the outside. I know that you truly will bring honor and glory to Him during the upcoming weeks and months. Please know that The Parkers and The Porters love you all and will continue to keep you close in our hearts and our prayers. In the love of Christ, John

Mark Howell

about 16 years ago

Dear Stacy and Jeff, just want you guys to know that I will be praying for you. Love you guys. mark

Michael and Elise Rutig

about 16 years ago

Dear Jeff, Stacy, Emily, Whitney, and Travis, We feel so blessed to serve alongside you and we are praying for each one of you. We are praying specifically, Stacy, that you will be touched and completely healed by our Almighty God's powerful hand, and that He will replace all of the sickness with a fresh, new hope! We are constantly inspired by your precious family's evident faith, and we stand firmly faithful with you during this test. We have received so much love and encouragement from our incredible FBC McKinney family during our own unexpected journey over the last year and it is our privilege to lift you up in prayer, now. Here is a small piece of scripture which was helpful to us. We have referred to it as God's little prescription for therapy: Philippians 4:4-8 4Rejoice in the Lord always: and again I say, Rejoice. 5Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. 6Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. 7And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. 8Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable-if anything is excellent or praiseworthy-think about such things. Be encouraged, and know you are LOVED so much! Michael and Elise Rutig

Nancy Senior Michael

about 16 years ago

Stacy--I was so sorry to hear of your recent surgery and the diagnosis you received. Coincidentally, I had a breast biopsy week before last. After I had the needle location and was waiting for another mammogram before the surgery, I was in the waiting area alone...or so it appeared. There was an open Bible on the table that I walked over to and started to read where it was opened to Psalms 91. I read these verses: "He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, "He is my refuge and my fortress, my God in whom I trust." Surely he will save you from the fowler's snare and from the deadly pestilence. He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart.... If you make the Most High your dwelling--even the Lord, who is my refuge--then no harm will befall you, no disaster will come near your tent. For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways; they will lift you up in their hands, so that you will not strike your foot against a stone....."Because he loves me," says the Lord, "I will rescue him; I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name, He will call upon me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble, I will deliver him and honor him. With long life will I satisfy him and show him my salvation." I certainly felt the presence of the Lord in that hospital waiting room and knew He had sent an angel to minister to me at that very moment. I know you have hundreds of people praying for you and your family during this difficult time. You will certainly be in my prayers through this journey. Nancy Senior Michael

Jan Sullivan

about 16 years ago

Stacy, We are thinking about you and praying for you and your family many times a day. God has a plan for your life, this is part of it and he will take care of you. We love you, Jan, Lonnie, Michael & Blair

Jerry & LaDonna Goodwin

about 16 years ago

Stacy While I am sure you do not have a clue who I am, who we are, I want you to know that LaDonna and I are thinking of you and praying for you daily since this most difficult " thing" has happened to you and your family. You are so young to have to endure such a difficult battle. Last year, my sons girl friend was diagnosed with cancer and going through her treatments with her( she is only 24) was one of the most difficult things we have ever gone through, and I can not imagine what it is like for the patient. ( By the way, she is in full remission ) Just remember, when your arms are to heavy, and the road to long, when the load is to great and the hill just to high, there is one that you can turn to that will put you on his shoulders and carry you through. I know that you already know this, sometimes we just need for some one else to say it for us. We love you Stacy and God is with you and your family. I read once that because we are told in the Bible that all things from God are good, that means that cancer is from the evil one. And that it is his attempt to come between us and God. Be strong, be steady and be assured that there are literally thousands of people that love you and are in your corner. And that includes God,as you are aware. Please tell Jeff that we stand ready to help you and he in any way that we might. 972) 562-0855 \Jerry and LaDonna Goodwin

Dan and Kathy Weintraub

about 16 years ago

Stacy, Jeff, and family, We are praying for you all and we know that God is in control all the way. My (Dan's) mother is a 10+ year breast cancer survivor by God's grace and as Jeff has told us many times His grace is sufficient. I got to see first-hand in Guatemala the faith of the Warren family and I praise God for your ministry. I pray that God will sustain each of you in every moment during this season of life. Dan and Kathy Weintraub

Kim and Jeff Heaton

about 16 years ago

Stacy, As I was reading last night, I came upon a verse in Psalm 138 that stood out to me. Verse 8 says, "The Lord will fulfill his purpose for me". I take great confidence in that reminder, and I pray He will comfort you in that as well. He WILL fulfill His purpose for you, dear Stacy. Praying for healing, Kim

Jon Poe

about 16 years ago

Stacy, Words can't begin to explain how much the the Poe Family Loves you and your family, so I won't try, but know this, We stand ready to serve you and your crew... We will lift you up continually and pray that God be glorified through your trials... Jeremiah 29:11-13 ( Seek Him... ) JP

The Goodman Family

about 16 years ago

How appropriate that Jeff often speaks of Job. We are sometimes left to wonder "why do bad things happen to good people," and "why is this happening to me?" We don't 100% know the answers for all of our hardships, but we do know this. Only those who are strong in God's Word can be used for His Glory. It is people like you, Stacy, that will show the rest of us Job-less folks how to truly live in God's Word. Your strength provides the example we need to keep our eyes focused upward, and our hearts yearning for Christ. Thank you for your courage.

Christina & Scott Bliven

about 16 years ago

Dearest Stacy, Jeff and Family, We admire your strength as a family of God and we are glad to be part of your extended family of Christ. We lift all of you up at this time in prayer daily. We know that God will embrace you and carry you through the time ahead. I am reminded of a song by Chris Tomlin, "Holy is God Almighty; the earth is filled with His Glory." ...the Joy of the Lord is our Strength. We love you guys. Christina and Scott Bliven

Lynda Dodd

about 16 years ago

Ms. Stacy, I just love ya!. My mother once told me that God only assigns special tasks to special people because only He knows who can handle what. I truly believe you are a special, special woman of God and He has things right where He needs them to be. I am praying for you and the Glorious recovery He has already set up for you. Take this time to rest in the Saviors arms. He loves holding on to His children. Love you and my Pastor dearly, Lynda Dodd

John & Beverly York

about 16 years ago

Stacy & Jeff We love you guys so much. What a treat to reconnect at Wind River. Your family has blessed the York family for years. Please be comforted and know that we and so many others are praying for your quick recovery. We are big fans and love y'all tons. Blessings, John & Bev, Amy, Karlie, Molly & Katie

Laurie Tharp

about 16 years ago

Stacy, Jeff and Family, Just wanted you to know your PCBC staff had a prayer time for you Tues. morning. We will continue to hold your family up in our prayers! Miss seeing y'all. Laurie

Connie & Mike Abernathy

about 16 years ago

Stacy, I forgot to mention yesterday that the hymn, "I Need Thee Every Hour" came to my mind as I was thinking of you in these last few days, and I kept going over it again and again. It is so true and so soothing to claim that phrase and declare it to the Lord. Of course, He already knows we need Him, but to confess it often is like offering up our burdens moment by moment. Mike and I are praying continually for you, Jeff, and the kids. We love you dearly. Connie and Mike

Phyllis and Jim D.

about 16 years ago

To our dear "Blanc de Blanc" friends... Our hearts were SO saddened to learn the wonderful Warren family is having to deal with cancer--each in his/her own way. How grateful we are that we serve an omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent God who knows each of you intimately and loves all of us more than we can even imagine. God will be glorified by all you....of this we are confident! You guys are engraved on our prayer list....we love you so much!!! Phyllis and Jim

Mary Knox

about 16 years ago

Just checking in with you guys. Wanted to let you know that I'm thinking about you today. Lots of love, Mary

John Anderson

about 16 years ago

Stacy & Jeff ... I know that Rachel will want to add thoughts of her own, but what a privilege it is to be praying for such precious friends. Life, as promised, is never short of surprises but we serve a God who knows all of them yesterday, today, and forever. First things first, like treatment, but whenever you need a getaway, give us a call. My best in His Love .... John Phil 4: 6-7 PS ... Jeff, once Stacy's chemo kicks in, are you going to let YOUR hair grow out ? Just wondering ... My best from Colorado ... JA

Mary Kay Gotcher

about 16 years ago

Stacy and Jeff, The Gotchers love the Warrens and are thankful that the Lord introduced us. We are praying for each of you and all of you. Mary Kay and Max

Rob & Angie Bowsher

about 16 years ago

Jeff, Stacy, Emily, Whitney and Travis, We just wanted you guys to know that we love you and that we have been praying for you and will continue too. Please call on us, if you need anything. I know that you have so many with that offer, but please don't hesitate. Rachel and the boys wanted to let Emily and Whitney (Rachel's favorite sitters), and Travis, know that they are praying for their mom's healing, and that God will help them through this journey. We love you guys, Rob, Angie, Drew, Zach & Rae-Rae

Emily Warren

about 16 years ago

Mom- Youre doing good today! Walking around and everything:) I'm so proud of you and I'm so happy your my Mom...I love being with you these past few weeks...And I'll always be here for you! You have always been beautiful and strong to me but your strength and beauty has mulitplied these past weeks as I watch you stay strong in the scarriest of times...I'm gonna go hug you now:) EVERYONE WHOS WRITTEN: Thank you! Thank you! THANK YOU! Hearing from all of you in this way brings so much joy to our hearts and my Moms! We are blessed by every message!

Lynn Tanner

about 16 years ago

Dear Stacy, I continue to lift you and your precious family up in my prayers night and day. Psalm 121 was part of my devotions today. I claimed verse 7 and 8 for you: The LORD will keep Stacy from all harm -He will watch over her life; the LORD will watch over Stacy's coming and going both now and forevermore. You are a beautiful lady and God is in total control. Enjoy all the many blessings and little things He does for you each and everyday. He is always there and He will never leave you. Ps. 121:1-2 - I lift up my eyes to the hills - where does my help come from? My help comes from the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth. Please call me if you ever need something or need someone to talk to. 214-934-4399 Much love and prayers, Lynn

Lindsay Gregory

about 16 years ago

Stacy, We haven't met yet, but that doesn't stop me from praying for you. Always remember that you are strong and when you fall or don't have the strength, others will have it for you. God is there and He loves you and has brought you a whole church to support you. I know it is hard to do but remember the blessings in your life and God won't give you anymore than you can handle. I pray that you always have the strength and power of knowing you will be okay. I hope what I said didn't cross any lines, but I've seen people who have survived from this disease and so will you. You will forever be in my thoughts and prayers and if you need anything, let me know. My family would love to help. God bless you and your family.

Tracy Doyle

about 16 years ago

Hi Stacy, Was thinking much of you today, you are so precious... Will always be here for you, So honoured to be your friend, Love, grace and peace tonight, Tracy XXXX

Susan Seiring

about 16 years ago

Stacy, I continue to be amazed at the strength of your children, but I know where it comes from--first of all a God who loves them very much and has poured Himself into their lives. And second, from parents who have done the same thing. What a blessing to be able to say they are my friends! First Samuel 2:30 says, "Those who honor Me I will honor." How true, especially in your life. I love you, my friend.

Glenn and Nita Robb

about 16 years ago

Dear Jeff and Stacy, You, your family and your ministry have been in my and Nita's daily prayers for the past several years. We will continue to pray daily for Stacy's complete healing and rapid recovery. After my heart surgery in 1986, I felt very uncertain about my future. I began searching in God's word for a promise about my future. I received a promise from Psalm 128:5-6. This promise calmed my fears about my future when I was 53 years old. I am now 75 years old and have six grandchildren. God is good and He keeps His promises. We claim this promise for Stacy. Psalm 128:5-6: "May the Lord bless you from Zion all the days of your life; May you see prosperity of Jerusalem and may you live to see your children's children." In His name. Glenn and Nita Robb

Craig Nelson

about 16 years ago

The Warrens - This will be a time of great uncertainty - full of unanswered questions and confrontation of hidden doubts and fears. It really doesn't matter what the "why's" are - what really does matter is the "who" - Jesus the Beautiful God - He is looking for those who will trust Him - no matter what, no matter why, no matter how - Laying all the nonsense at His feet and then walking away is the only course of action to take. The reason His mercies are new every morning is because we have to learn how to trust Him new every morning - step by step - moment by moment - breath by breath.. God promises to enter into every life circumstance and work it out for the best. The answer to living forgiven is found by trusting-faith in the Beautiful God.

Gene and Betty White

about 16 years ago

We are so sorry to learn of your diagnoses. We want you to know that here in Moses Lake, WA we are praying for you and yours. looking forwrd to hearing good reports

Ron & Delores Smith

about 16 years ago

Dear Stacy, Jeff, Emily, Whitney & Travis: Wow!! What a week! It has been like a "triathalon" of emotions, feelings, tears and even blessings for everyone effected by your journey; it certainly has been for our family. I can't even begin to imagine what is has been like for you. But what an amazing way you all have allowed your friends and family to join you in this "journey"! You are loved by so many. So many wonderful words of encouragement, scripture and prayers. And from far and wide! It is a blessing to read from fellow believers from all over the world. And to see so many names that your family has impacted. Your journey has no doubt brought all who know you closer together and closer to our Lord. I'm sure we all are treating our loved ones with extra special care......hugging a little longer, saying "I love you" more sincerely and reaching for the Father with a new and special longing. And recognizing those folks around us who are lost and hurting and how we can be Jesus for them or to them. I can't begin to put into words what should be said; so many have already written such wonderful words that I won't try to add to them.......let me simply say that the Smith family is praying hard and often for "y'all". Love, Ron, Delores, Madelyn & Logan

Tim Brinkman

about 16 years ago

Stacy, It is a mighty God we serve. I will continue to pray for peace and rapid healing. I look forward to the day we look back and see how God has been given glory through your complete healing. Thank you for your witness to us all. Prayerfully, from an employee of the Great Physician! Tim Brinkman

Pam Anderson

about 16 years ago

Warren Family, I am blessed to know your family and to see that through this you are blessing others. Your joyful spirit through the turmoil uplifts others. God is being glorified in each of your lives as you live out your faith and relationship with HIM. We are continually praying for healing, strength for your body, and strength for your family. We are truely honored to have your family lead our church. We will continue to lift you up. Eddie & Pam Anderson

Katherine and Rick Harmon

about 16 years ago

Jeff and Stacy, I'm writing this little note although we don't know each other. I look at Stacy's picture on this website and think of her and your family daily, praying for swift and complete recovery, and comfortable treatment. Your member Susi Mitchell is my mother-in-law (Jeff, you met my husband, Rick Harmon, at Susi's house the day that her mother Billie Sue Allen passed away). I have been undergoing treatment for breast cancer this summer. Through Susi's love and hope that we would have many prayers coming our way, I have received the most beautiful notes from numerous folks in your prayer partner group, as well as a lovely prayer shawl knitted by women in your congregation. I am so humbled and will be forever grateful for these gifts. The outpouring of concern, kindness, and prayer from these incredible people who don't even KNOW me make me realize how immense must be the outpouring of love, hope, cheer, and prayers for Stacy. Please add our positive energy and fervent prayers to this, as we will continue to think of Stacy daily and pray for a quick, smooth recovery. Sincerely, Katherine and Rick Harmon

Susi Mitchell

about 16 years ago

Stacy and Jeff, I went to worship at the early service last Sunday with a particular purpose on my heart: to praise and thank our God for answering our prayers for my precious daughter-in-law, Katherine Harmon, who had just undergone surgery a week before for breast cancer. My heart broke when I sat there and heard you tell that Stacy had faced the same thing that very week! I wept. I felt like I was your mother, too. Stacy and Jeff, you are right there beside Katherine and Rick in my prayers each day. We are family. Love you....and thank God for you. Susi Mitchell

Linda Wachel

about 16 years ago

Stacy and Jeff, You may not remember me from PCBC, but you touched my family's life while you were there. I am writing to tell you I walked this path 7 years ago this month, and I want you to know I'm praying for you as you face this battle. The most comforting thought shared with me during my diagnosis came from Mini Elkins at often we talk about "our battle with cancer", and I remember feeling totally overwhelmed and unprepared for the battle. But Mini (another survivor) shared this verse with me, II Chronicles 20:15 ..."Do not be afraid or discouraged because of this vast army. For the battle is not yours, but God's." Know that you are in my prayers, and I will be walking in your honor at the Dallas Komen race in October. Love in Christ, Linda Wachel

Joe & Mary Ann Dowell

about 16 years ago

Your blog is such a gift - to your family and to all who read it. Just thinking of all the prayers hitting heavens doors for you today is so encouraging - thank you for sharing so we can pray more. What a gift - to have so many people praying for you any time but especially during this time. May this give you the strength and courage to keep walking strong in your faith in Him. We believe God will carry you thru this journey and lift you up all along the way. May others see Him thru your walk on this unexpected path and may your heart be blessed in spite of the challenge ahead. You are loved, appreciated and admired - thank you for sharing your kind and gentle heart with so many.

Laura Morrow

about 16 years ago

Stacy and Jeff, I consider it a priveledge to pray for the two of you during this time. I know that the good Lord will use you both mightily, and that He will bless you! Breast cancer touches so many of our lives in some way - my sister is a survivor - hallelujah! I love you, Laura Morrow

Ron and Debbie Vice

about 16 years ago

Thinking about you and praying for you daily. Recently read a quote from Joni Tada (sic): "God sometimes permits what He hates, in order to accomplish what He loves." Whatever the reason for this trying experience in your life, God is up to something good and will be glorified in this time. He loves you so - and so do we. Ron and Debbie

Lynn Tanner

about 16 years ago

Dear Stacy, It was so good to hear that you were in the early service today with your family. I am sure you were blessed as much as you blessed those who were in your presence. I use OUR DAILY BREAD for part of my devotions in the mornings and I wanted to share some things that were part of today's devotion. It is nothing new or profound, but I thought of you and prayed for you. "God has not promised that your life will be easy - indeed it may not be, but He has promised to sustain you in your struggle and uphold you with His mighty arm." "God will not allow you to be pressed beyond endurance." And I love the quote that was on the bottom of the page: "In every desert of trial, God has an oasis of comfort." I am so happy for you and the wonderful support system that you have with your family and friends and God at the center. I'm looking forward to seeing you again someday. Love and prayers, Lynn

Michael & Marita Smith

about 16 years ago

Our prayers are with you little cousin. Michael & Marita Smith

Jerry and Helga Tibbs

about 16 years ago

Stacyand Jeff and family. Our family lifts you and your family up to Him for His blessings, His comfort and His guiding hands as together this journey is taken one day at a time with Him. Remembering each of you in our prayers. He will provide and He will meet your needs--He has promised us so. Jerry and Helga

Derek and Denise May

about 16 years ago

Stacy, I have thought about you constantly and prayed. We know prayer is the answer and draws us to Jesus' side. When we found out my dad had cancer I remember the questions. Jesus showed me life, like I had never known. I pray this for you and your family in this unexpected journey. "And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the saints, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God. Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen. I am claiming these verses Eph. 3:18-21 for your family. I remember you Stacy from bible study and what a blessing you were to me. You are a precious and godly woman. If we can do anything please let us know.

Shelley Lowder

about 16 years ago

Stacy, Hi. I am Adam Lowder’s mom. I just want you to know that you have been in our prayers since we heard about this. Your family is such a blessing to us and so many others. If you ever need a friend to talk to, I hope you will get my number from Whitney and give me a call. I have been through SO much medically and would love to help you through some of your hard days if you would let me. You are a strong lady and I know you are going to be okay. But I also know how hard this must be for you. I am always here if you ever need a friend to go have lunch with or come over and cook dinner for you and your family. Just let me know. I think the world of you and your family. Adam and Whitney are best friends and I think she is just an amazing young lady. I will be checking to see if there is anything I can do for you or your family. Please don’t hesitate to ask. Your Sister In Christ, Shelley Lowder

DeLayne Haga

about 16 years ago

Stacy, you know the saying, "God will never give us more than we can handle." He knows you are strong and will survive this. My sister-in-law is a breast cancer survivor, and she said if she knew then what she knows now, she would do it all over again willingly. It has made her even stronger in her faith and brought a new appreciation for life. She looks at the world with a different set of eyes. May you continue to look up for His comfort in this difficult journey you are facing. We will keep you in our prayers. DeLayne Haga (and Chris, Chad, and Shane)

Dr. Bruce and Susan Douthit, Lindsey, Andrew &Taylor

about 16 years ago

Stacy and Jeff...Today this song was on my mind all day..It was popular with youth in the 70's (my high school years)..It seems so perfect for you as you go through good days and bad days with this challenge..It is now considered a classic oldie.."I BELIEVE IN MIRACLES"... I believe in miracles- I've seen a soul set free, Miraculous the change in one Redeemed thru Calvary: I've seen the lily push its way Up thru the stubborn sod- I believe in miracles, For I believe in God!! We continue to lift you up to our Lord in anticipation of His miracles to come...

Trish Wilson

about 16 years ago

Stacy- I wanted to let you know that I thought of a special moment that you and I shared together long ago, but God reminded me of it today. Do you remember when you were pregnant with the girls and confined to bed? You had so much to do to get ready for the dynamic duo and there you were stuck in bed. I told you that I'd help get whatever done that needed to be done and you said okay. I came over and we organized the nursery and cleaned out your closet and prepped the whole house. It was so much laying on the bed and pointing and having a little elf to make it all come to pass. I'm willing to do that again anytime. You name the date and your closets are mine. We can have our own "Clean House" reality show and you don't even have to be on camera. HAHAHA! I just thought you could use a fun and wonderful blast from the past and know that my services are always available. Even if the only thing you need is someone to sit with. I know how to do that, too. I love you and am thinking of you all day today, just like God is, Psalm 139. Blessings my dear friend. Trish

Steve Rand

about 16 years ago

Dear Stacy & Jeff, I am the Minister of Youth & Music at Waddill Street Baptist Church, just up the road from you guys. We heard last Wednesday about Stacy's diagnosis, and were saddened by the news. Please know that our church will be putting you and your family on our prayer list and will be on our knees for you. I had the privilege of having your daughter, Emily, in my Super Summer group a couple of years ago at ETBU, and she was a testimony of how sweet your family must be! We're with you all! Blessings, Steve Rand

David W. Newman

about 16 years ago

Dear Pastor Jeff and Mrs. Stacy, I've been studying scripture since the announcement and have been sending them to your daughters and I came across these two passages that I think apply more to you two then to them. ".... 'Shall we indeed accept good from God and not accept adversity?' In all this Job did not sin with his lips." Job 2:10b Bad things come but we must stand firm and what out the storm. "Dear friends, do not be surprised at the painful trial you are suffering, as though something strange is happening to you. But rejoice that you participate in the sufferings of Christ, so that you may be overjoyed when His glory is revealed." 1 Peter 4:12-13. NIV Just keep rejoicing and don't let Satan slow you down. a fellow prayer warrior, David Wayne Newman

Judy Clay

about 16 years ago

Stacy, We are fairly new to the church but just wanted you to know God has placed you on my heart. Will keep you in my thoughts and lifted up to our Heavenly Father in prayer. In Christ's Love, Judy Clay

Patricia Gill

about 16 years ago

Stacy, I am the daughter of Daddy Dub's brother Doc Smith. I had inflamatory breast cancer in 1999. It was a very difficult year but God's grace and many, many prayers have brought me to this place of relatively good health almost 10 years later. The best advice I got was to find something to laugh about. Though all the Psalms encouraged me #107 verses 21-30 seemed to perfectly describe how I felt and reveal to me the sovereignty of God. I will be praying for you as you take this journey. Patricia

Dominique Miller

about 16 years ago

Warren family, It has been almost three years since my then 19 year old brother battled cancer. My husband and I were the primary care takers. It was difficult, humbling and beautiful. We met so many incredible people. God has used our story to reveal his glory to others. It's amazing how this changed our lives. It taught us how simple life really is. We have learned so much from Jeff, he has really helped us to understand the Bible. We love your family so much. Thank you for giving of yourselves. You are in our daily prayers, The Millers


about 16 years ago

How strange that just today I was talking to my sister who lives in McKinney. We actually mentioned First Baptist in our conversation. Then I came across this blog while reading a friends. I want you to know Stacy that 11 years ago I also was diagnosed with breast cancer, underwent bi-lateral mastectomies and all the chemo and radiation regimen you are probably facing. I can truthfully say it was the hardest year of my life and the most glorious. God taught me so much. I have such a precious walk with Him that has come about solely because of my cancer. I had four children at home (the youngest was 10) God gave me grace to continue mothering, working, coaching the kids teams, etc. He will prove himself faithful in your situation. I pray you will take in all God has for you to learn through this experience. I will be in Dallas on Oct. 18th for the Komen Race for the Cure. My four sisters and I have walked it every year in honor of God's healing grace in my life. I'll keep you in my prayers.

David W. Newman

about 16 years ago

"Not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us." Romans 5:3-5 NIV

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